ZNC trunk
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * Copyright (C) 2004-2025 ZNC, see the NOTICE file for details.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17#ifndef ZNC_USER_H
18#define ZNC_USER_H
20#include <znc/zncconfig.h>
21#include <znc/Utils.h>
22#include <znc/Buffer.h>
23#include <znc/Nick.h>
24#include <znc/Translation.h>
25#include <set>
26#include <vector>
28class CModules;
29class CChan;
30class CClient;
31class CConfig;
32class CFile;
33class CIRCNetwork;
34class CIRCSock;
35class CUserTimer;
36class CServer;
39 public:
40 CUser(const CString& sUsername);
43 CUser(const CUser&) = delete;
44 CUser& operator=(const CUser&) = delete;
46 bool ParseConfig(CConfig* Config, CString& sError);
48 enum eHashType {
54 // This should be kept in sync with CUtils::SaltedHash
60 };
62 static CString SaltedHash(const CString& sPass, const CString& sSalt) {
63 return CUtils::SaltedHash(sPass, sSalt);
64 }
68 bool CheckPass(const CString& sPass);
69 bool AddAllowedHost(const CString& sHostMask);
70 bool RemAllowedHost(const CString& sHostMask);
72 bool IsHostAllowed(const CString& sHost) const;
73 bool IsValid(CString& sErrMsg, bool bSkipPass = false) const;
74 static bool IsValidUsername(const CString& sUsername);
76 static bool IsValidUserName(const CString& sUsername);
77 static CString MakeCleanUsername(const CString& sUsername);
79 static CString MakeCleanUserName(const CString& sUsername);
81 // Modules
83 const CModules& GetModules() const { return *m_pModules; }
84 // !Modules
86 // Networks
87 CIRCNetwork* AddNetwork(const CString& sNetwork, CString& sErrorRet);
88 bool DeleteNetwork(const CString& sNetwork);
89 bool AddNetwork(CIRCNetwork* pNetwork);
90 void RemoveNetwork(CIRCNetwork* pNetwork);
91 CIRCNetwork* FindNetwork(const CString& sNetwork) const;
92 const std::vector<CIRCNetwork*>& GetNetworks() const;
94 // !Networks
96 bool PutUser(const CString& sLine, CClient* pClient = nullptr,
97 CClient* pSkipClient = nullptr);
98 bool PutAllUser(const CString& sLine, CClient* pClient = nullptr,
99 CClient* pSkipClient = nullptr)
100 ZNC_MSG_DEPRECATED("Use PutUser() instead") {
101 return PutUser(sLine, pClient, pSkipClient);
102 }
103 bool PutStatus(const CString& sLine, CClient* pClient = nullptr,
104 CClient* pSkipClient = nullptr);
105 bool PutStatusNotice(const CString& sLine, CClient* pClient = nullptr,
106 CClient* pSkipClient = nullptr);
107 bool PutModule(const CString& sModule, const CString& sLine,
108 CClient* pClient = nullptr, CClient* pSkipClient = nullptr);
109 bool PutModNotice(const CString& sModule, const CString& sLine,
110 CClient* pClient = nullptr,
111 CClient* pSkipClient = nullptr);
113 bool IsUserAttached() const;
114 void UserConnected(CClient* pClient);
115 void UserDisconnected(CClient* pClient);
119 CString ExpandString(const CString& sStr) const;
120 CString& ExpandString(const CString& sStr, CString& sRet) const;
122 CString AddTimestamp(const CString& sStr) const;
123 CString AddTimestamp(time_t tm, const CString& sStr) const;
124 CString AddTimestamp(timeval tv, const CString& sStr) const;
126 void CloneNetworks(const CUser& User);
127 bool Clone(const CUser& User, CString& sErrorRet,
128 bool bCloneNetworks = true);
131 void AddBytesRead(unsigned long long u) { m_uBytesRead += u; }
132 void AddBytesWritten(unsigned long long u) { m_uBytesWritten += u; }
134 // Setters
135 void SetNick(const CString& s);
136 void SetAltNick(const CString& s);
137 void SetIdent(const CString& s);
138 void SetRealName(const CString& s);
139 void SetBindHost(const CString& s);
140 void SetDCCBindHost(const CString& s);
141 void SetPass(const CString& s, eHashType eHash, const CString& sSalt = "");
142 void SetMultiClients(bool b);
143 void SetDenyLoadMod(bool b);
144 void SetAdmin(bool b);
145 void SetDenySetBindHost(bool b);
146 void SetDenySetIdent(bool b);
147 void SetDenySetNetwork(bool b);
148 void SetDenySetRealName(bool b);
149 void SetDenySetQuitMsg(bool b);
151 bool SetStatusPrefix(const CString& s);
154 void SetQuitMsg(const CString& s);
155 bool AddCTCPReply(const CString& sCTCP, const CString& sReply);
156 bool DelCTCPReply(const CString& sCTCP);
158 bool SetBufferCount(unsigned int u, bool bForce = false);
159 bool SetChanBufferSize(unsigned int u, bool bForce = false);
160 bool SetQueryBufferSize(unsigned int u, bool bForce = false);
163 bool SetLanguage(const CString& s);
165 void SetBeingDeleted(bool b) { m_bBeingDeleted = b; }
170 void SetTimezone(const CString& s) { m_sTimezone = s; }
171 void SetJoinTries(unsigned int i) { m_uMaxJoinTries = i; }
172 void SetMaxJoins(unsigned int i) { m_uMaxJoins = i; }
173 void SetSkinName(const CString& s) { m_sSkinName = s; }
174 void SetMaxNetworks(unsigned int i) { m_uMaxNetworks = i; }
175 void SetMaxQueryBuffers(unsigned int i) { m_uMaxQueryBuffers = i; }
176 void SetNoTrafficTimeout(unsigned int i) { m_uNoTrafficTimeout = i; }
177 // !Setters
179 // Getters
180 const std::vector<CClient*>& GetUserClients() const { return m_vClients; }
181 std::vector<CClient*> GetAllClients() const;
183 const CString& GetUserName() const;
184 const CString& GetUsername() const;
185 const CString& GetCleanUserName() const;
186 const CString& GetNick(bool bAllowDefault = true) const;
187 const CString& GetAltNick(bool bAllowDefault = true) const;
188 const CString& GetIdent(bool bAllowDefault = true) const;
190 const CString& GetBindHost() const;
191 const CString& GetDCCBindHost() const;
192 const CString& GetPass() const;
194 const CString& GetPassSalt() const;
195 const std::set<CString>& GetAllowedHosts() const;
198 bool GetTimestampAppend() const;
201 const CString& GetUserPath() const;
203 bool DenyLoadMod() const;
204 bool IsAdmin() const;
205 bool DenySetBindHost() const;
206 bool DenySetIdent() const;
207 bool DenySetNetwork() const;
208 bool DenySetRealName() const;
209 bool DenySetQuitMsg() const;
210 bool DenySetCTCPReplies() const;
211 bool MultiClients() const;
212 bool AuthOnlyViaModule() const;
213 const CString& GetStatusPrefix() const;
216 unsigned int GetPingFrequency() const { return m_uNoTrafficTimeout / 2; }
218 unsigned int GetPingSlack() const { return m_uNoTrafficTimeout / 6; }
222 unsigned int GetNoTrafficTimeout() const { return m_uNoTrafficTimeout; }
225 const MCString& GetCTCPReplies() const;
227 unsigned int GetBufferCount() const;
228 unsigned int GetChanBufferSize() const;
229 unsigned int GetQueryBufferSize() const;
232 bool IsBeingDeleted() const { return m_bBeingDeleted; }
233 CString GetTimezone() const { return m_sTimezone; }
234 unsigned long long BytesRead() const;
235 unsigned long long BytesWritten() const;
236 unsigned int JoinTries() const { return m_uMaxJoinTries; }
237 unsigned int MaxJoins() const { return m_uMaxJoins; }
240 unsigned int MaxNetworks() const { return m_uMaxNetworks; }
241 unsigned int MaxQueryBuffers() const { return m_uMaxQueryBuffers; }
242 // !Getters
244 protected:
265 // Paths
267 // !Paths
285 CUserTimer* m_pUserTimer;
287 std::vector<CIRCNetwork*> m_vIRCNetworks;
288 std::vector<CClient*> m_vClients;
289 std::set<CString> m_ssAllowedHosts;
290 unsigned int m_uChanBufferSize;
291 unsigned int m_uQueryBufferSize;
292 unsigned long long m_uBytesRead;
293 unsigned long long m_uBytesWritten;
294 unsigned int m_uMaxJoinTries;
295 unsigned int m_uMaxNetworks;
296 unsigned int m_uMaxQueryBuffers;
297 unsigned int m_uMaxJoins;
304 private:
305 void SetKeepBuffer(bool b) {
307 } // XXX compatibility crap, added in 0.207
308 bool LoadModule(const CString& sModName, const CString& sArgs,
309 const CString& sNotice, CString& sError);
312#endif // !ZNC_USER_H
Definition Message.h:23
Definition Chan.h:35
Definition Client.h:99
Definition Config.h:36
Definition Translation.h:103
Definition FileUtils.h:30
Definition IRCNetwork.h:40
Definition IRCSock.h:35
Definition Modules.h:1464
Definition Server.h:23
String class that is used inside ZNC.
Definition ZNCString.h:68
Definition User.h:38
MCString m_mssCTCPReplies
Definition User.h:260
void SetBeingDeleted(bool b)
Definition User.h:165
void SetAutoClearQueryBuffer(bool b)
const CString & GetTimestampFormat() const
const CString m_sUsername
Definition User.h:245
void SetDenySetBindHost(bool b)
bool DenySetCTCPReplies() const
CUserTimer * m_pUserTimer
Definition User.h:285
const CString & GetBindHost() const
CString m_sDCCBindHost
Definition User.h:252
bool DenySetBindHost() const
const std::vector< CIRCNetwork * > & GetNetworks() const
CConfig ToConfig() const
const CString & GetAltNick(bool bAllowDefault=true) const
unsigned long long m_uBytesWritten
Definition User.h:293
const CString & GetUserPath() const
void SetDCCBindHost(const CString &s)
bool m_bDenySetCTCPReplies
Definition User.h:277
const CModules & GetModules() const
Definition User.h:83
bool PutUser(const CString &sLine, CClient *pClient=nullptr, CClient *pSkipClient=nullptr)
void SetPass(const CString &s, eHashType eHash, const CString &sSalt="")
const CString & GetUserName() const
CUser & operator=(const CUser &)=delete
unsigned int m_uNoTrafficTimeout
Definition User.h:298
static bool IsValidUserName(const CString &sUsername)
bool m_bAutoClearChanBuffer
Definition User.h:278
CUser(const CUser &)=delete
unsigned int GetPingSlack() const
Time between checks if PINGs need to be sent.
Definition User.h:218
bool m_bDenySetBindHost
Definition User.h:272
bool AuthOnlyViaModule() const
CString m_sDefaultChanModes
Definition User.h:256
CString GetLocalDCCIP() const
const CString & GetIdent(bool bAllowDefault=true) const
void BounceAllClients()
void SetDenySetNetwork(bool b)
bool DenyLoadMod() const
const CString & GetCleanUserName() const
unsigned long long BytesWritten() const
void SetAutoClearChanBuffer(bool b)
void SetDefaultChanModes(const CString &s)
void SetTimestampFormat(const CString &s)
Definition User.h:166
bool AutoClearQueryBuffer() const
CString m_sLanguage
Definition User.h:300
std::set< CString > m_ssAllowedHosts
Definition User.h:289
const CString & GetDefaultChanModes() const
bool m_bAdmin
Definition User.h:271
unsigned long long m_uBytesRead
Definition User.h:292
std::vector< CClient * > m_vClients
Definition User.h:288
bool CheckPass(const CString &sPass)
Checks password, may upgrade the hash method.
bool IsValid(CString &sErrMsg, bool bSkipPass=false) const
static CString MakeCleanUsername(const CString &sUsername)
void SetNick(const CString &s)
bool m_bMultiClients
Definition User.h:269
bool SetChanBufferSize(unsigned int u, bool bForce=false)
bool m_bAuthOnlyViaModule
Definition User.h:283
void ClearAllowedHosts()
unsigned int MaxQueryBuffers() const
Definition User.h:241
bool m_bDenyLoadMod
Definition User.h:270
bool IsHostAllowed(const CString &sHost) const
bool AddAllowedHost(const CString &sHostMask)
const CString & GetPassSalt() const
bool SetBufferCount(unsigned int u, bool bForce=false)
const CString & GetDCCBindHost() const
bool HasSpaceForNewNetwork() const
bool m_bDenySetIdent
Definition User.h:273
void AddBytesWritten(unsigned long long u)
Definition User.h:132
CUser(const CString &sUsername)
bool m_bPrependTimestamp
Definition User.h:282
CString m_sTimezone
Definition User.h:262
const CString & GetStatusPrefix() const
CString m_sUserPath
Definition User.h:266
void SetDenySetRealName(bool b)
bool Clone(const CUser &User, CString &sErrorRet, bool bCloneNetworks=true)
void SetAltNick(const CString &s)
bool AddNetwork(CIRCNetwork *pNetwork)
void SetRealName(const CString &s)
void SetMultiClients(bool b)
bool DeleteNetwork(const CString &sNetwork)
void SetDenySetCTCPReplies(bool b)
bool PutModNotice(const CString &sModule, const CString &sLine, CClient *pClient=nullptr, CClient *pSkipClient=nullptr)
bool GetTimestampPrepend() const
bool DenySetIdent() const
bool AddCTCPReply(const CString &sCTCP, const CString &sReply)
void AddBytesRead(unsigned long long u)
Definition User.h:131
CString AddTimestamp(time_t tm, const CString &sStr) const
bool m_bDenySetNetwork
Definition User.h:274
CString m_sPassSalt
Definition User.h:254
const CString & GetPass() const
void SetClientEncoding(const CString &s)
const std::set< CString > & GetAllowedHosts() const
const CString m_sCleanUsername
Definition User.h:246
CString AddTimestamp(const CString &sStr) const
const CString & GetUsername() const
unsigned int GetNoTrafficTimeout() const
Timeout after which IRC connections are closed.
Definition User.h:222
void RemoveNetwork(CIRCNetwork *pNetwork)
unsigned int m_uMaxJoinTries
Definition User.h:294
void SetTimezone(const CString &s)
Definition User.h:170
CString m_sTimestampFormat
Definition User.h:261
CString ExpandString(const CString &sStr) const
unsigned int m_uMaxJoins
Definition User.h:297
bool DenySetQuitMsg() const
std::vector< CIRCNetwork * > m_vIRCNetworks
Definition User.h:287
unsigned int GetChanBufferSize() const
bool m_bAppendTimestamp
Definition User.h:281
void SetDenySetIdent(bool b)
unsigned int m_uMaxNetworks
Definition User.h:295
void SetMaxQueryBuffers(unsigned int i)
Definition User.h:175
void SetJoinTries(unsigned int i)
Definition User.h:171
CString GetQuitMsg() const
bool PutStatusNotice(const CString &sLine, CClient *pClient=nullptr, CClient *pSkipClient=nullptr)
CString GetRealName() const
unsigned int m_uMaxQueryBuffers
Definition User.h:296
bool m_bBeingDeleted
Definition User.h:280
unsigned long long BytesRead() const
bool DenySetNetwork() const
static CString SaltedHash(const CString &sPass, const CString &sSalt)
Definition User.h:62
bool DelCTCPReply(const CString &sCTCP)
CString GetSkinName() const
CString m_sAltNick
Definition User.h:248
static bool IsValidUsername(const CString &sUsername)
const CString & GetNick(bool bAllowDefault=true) const
bool PutStatus(const CString &sLine, CClient *pClient=nullptr, CClient *pSkipClient=nullptr)
void CloneNetworks(const CUser &User)
void SetMaxNetworks(unsigned int i)
Definition User.h:174
unsigned int GetQueryBufferSize() const
CModules & GetModules()
Definition User.h:82
unsigned int GetPingFrequency() const
How long must an IRC connection be idle before ZNC sends a ping.
Definition User.h:216
CString m_sIdent
Definition User.h:249
unsigned int m_uChanBufferSize
Definition User.h:290
CString & ExpandString(const CString &sStr, CString &sRet) const
CString m_sNick
Definition User.h:247
unsigned int MaxNetworks() const
Definition User.h:240
CString m_sRealName
Definition User.h:250
bool AutoClearChanBuffer() const
const MCString & GetCTCPReplies() const
void SetQuitMsg(const CString &s)
void SetNoTrafficTimeout(unsigned int i)
Definition User.h:176
void SetSkinName(const CString &s)
Definition User.h:173
unsigned int MaxJoins() const
Definition User.h:237
void SetTimestampAppend(bool b)
Definition User.h:167
CString m_sPass
Definition User.h:253
bool IsBeingDeleted() const
Definition User.h:232
void SetBindHost(const CString &s)
std::vector< CClient * > GetAllClients() const
CString GetLanguage() const
CIRCNetwork * AddNetwork(const CString &sNetwork, CString &sErrorRet)
CString m_sBindHost
Definition User.h:251
unsigned int m_uQueryBufferSize
Definition User.h:291
CString m_sSkinName
Definition User.h:299
bool IsUserAttached() const
CString AddTimestamp(timeval tv, const CString &sStr) const
bool IsAdmin() const
void UserConnected(CClient *pClient)
void SetIdent(const CString &s)
CString GetTimezone() const
Definition User.h:233
unsigned int JoinTries() const
Definition User.h:236
bool m_bDenySetQuitMsg
Definition User.h:276
bool SetQueryBufferSize(unsigned int u, bool bForce=false)
void SetMaxJoins(unsigned int i)
Definition User.h:172
bool SetStatusPrefix(const CString &s)
bool PutAllUser(const CString &sLine, CClient *pClient=nullptr, CClient *pSkipClient=nullptr) ZNC_MSG_DEPRECATED("Use PutUser() instead")
Definition User.h:98
void SetDenyLoadMod(bool b)
bool PutModule(const CString &sModule, const CString &sLine, CClient *pClient=nullptr, CClient *pSkipClient=nullptr)
bool ParseConfig(CConfig *Config, CString &sError)
bool DenySetRealName() const
void UserDisconnected(CClient *pClient)
bool SetLanguage(const CString &s)
const std::vector< CClient * > & GetUserClients() const
Definition User.h:180
bool m_bDenySetRealName
Definition User.h:275
CModules * m_pModules
Definition User.h:302
bool RemAllowedHost(const CString &sHostMask)
CString m_sClientEncoding
Definition User.h:257
unsigned int GetBufferCount() const
bool MultiClients() const
bool GetTimestampAppend() const
eHashType m_eHashType
Definition User.h:263
Definition User.h:48
Definition User.h:51
Definition User.h:50
Definition User.h:52
Definition User.h:58
Definition User.h:49
void SetDenySetQuitMsg(bool b)
CIRCNetwork * FindNetwork(const CString &sNetwork) const
bool m_bAutoClearQueryBuffer
Definition User.h:279
void SetAuthOnlyViaModule(bool b)
Definition User.h:169
CString m_sQuitMsg
Definition User.h:259
void SetTimestampPrepend(bool b)
Definition User.h:168
void SetAdmin(bool b)
const CString & GetClientEncoding() const
CString m_sStatusPrefix
Definition User.h:255
eHashType GetPassHashType() const
static CString MakeCleanUserName(const CString &sUsername)
static CString SaltedHash(const CString &sPass, const CString &sSalt)
A dictionary for strings.
Definition ZNCString.h:595