This is the complete list of members for CUtils, including all inherited members.
AskSaltedHashPassForConfig() | CUtils | static |
CheckCIDR(const CString &sIP, const CString &sRange) | CUtils | static |
CTime(time_t t, const CString &sTZ) | CUtils | static |
CUtils() | CUtils | |
FormatServerTime(const timeval &tv) | CUtils | static |
FormatTime(time_t t, const CString &sFormat, const CString &sTZ) | CUtils | static |
FormatTime(const timeval &tv, const CString &sFormat, const CString &sTZ) | CUtils | static |
GenerateCert(FILE *pOut, const CString &sHost="") | CUtils | static |
GetBoolInput(const CString &sPrompt, bool bDefault) | CUtils | static |
GetBoolInput(const CString &sPrompt, bool *pbDefault=nullptr) | CUtils | static |
GetEncodings() | CUtils | static |
GetInput(const CString &sPrompt, CString &sRet, const CString &sDefault="", const CString &sHint="") | CUtils | static |
GetIP(unsigned long addr) | CUtils | static |
GetLongIP(const CString &sIP) | CUtils | static |
GetMessageTags(const CString &sLine) | CUtils | static |
GetMillTime() | CUtils | static |
GetNumInput(const CString &sPrompt, unsigned int &uRet, unsigned int uMin=0, unsigned int uMax=~0, unsigned int uDefault=~0) | CUtils | static |
GetPass(const CString &sPrompt) | CUtils | static |
GetSalt() | CUtils | static |
GetTime() | CUtils | static |
GetTimezones() | CUtils | static |
ParseServerTime(const CString &sTime) | CUtils | static |
PrintAction(const CString &sMessage) | CUtils | static |
PrintError(const CString &sMessage) | CUtils | static |
PrintMessage(const CString &sMessage, bool bStrong=false) | CUtils | static |
PrintPrompt(const CString &sMessage) | CUtils | static |
PrintStatus(bool bSuccess, const CString &sMessage="") | CUtils | static |
SaltedHash(const CString &sPass, const CString &sSalt) | CUtils | static |
SaltedMD5Hash(const CString &sPass, const CString &sSalt) | CUtils | static |
SaltedSHA256Hash(const CString &sPass, const CString &sSalt) | CUtils | static |
SetMessageTags(CString &sLine, const MCString &mssTags) | CUtils | static |
~CUtils() | CUtils |