ZNC trunk
This is the complete list of members for CClient, including all inherited members.
Accept(CS_STRING &sHost, uint16_t &iRPort) | Csock | virtual |
AcceptLogin(CUser &User) | CClient | |
AcceptSSL() | Csock | virtual |
AddCron(CCron *pcCron) | CSockCommon | virtual |
AllowWrite(uint64_t &iNOW) const | Csock | |
AssignFDs(std::map< cs_sock_t, short > &miiReadyFds, struct timeval *tvtimeout) | CSockCommon | |
AuthUser() | CClient | |
BouncedOff() | CClient | |
CallSockError(int iErrno, const CS_STRING &sDescription="") | Csock | |
CapVersion() const | CClient | inline |
CClient() | CClient | |
CClient(const CClient &)=delete | CClient | |
CCoreCaps | CClient | friend |
CheckFDs(const std::map< cs_sock_t, short > &miiReadyFds) | CSockCommon | |
CheckSSLCert(X509 *pCert) | CZNCSock | |
CheckTimeout(time_t iNow) | Csock | virtual |
CleanupCrons() | CSockCommon | |
CleanupFDMonitors() | CSockCommon | |
ClearWriteBuffer() | Csock | |
ClientTest | CClient | friend |
Close(ECloseType eCloseType=CLT_NOW) | Csock | |
CloseSocksFD() | Csock | |
CLT_AFTERWRITE enum value | Csock | |
CLT_DEREFERENCE enum value | Csock | |
CLT_DONT enum value | Csock | |
CLT_NOW enum value | Csock | |
Connect() | Csock | virtual |
Connected() override | CClient | virtual |
ConnectFD(int iReadFD, int iWriteFD, const CS_STRING &sName, bool bIsSSL=false, ETConn eDirection=INBOUND) | Csock | |
ConnectInetd(bool bIsSSL=false, const CS_STRING &sHostname="") | Csock | |
ConnectionFrom(const CS_STRING &sHost, uint16_t iPort) | Csock | inlinevirtual |
ConnectionRefused() override | CClient | virtual |
ConnectSSL() | Csock | virtual |
ConnectUnix(const CS_STRING &sPath) | Csock | virtual |
ConvertAddress(const struct sockaddr_storage *pAddr, socklen_t iAddrLen, CString &sIP, u_short *piPort) const override | CZNCSock | |
Csock::ConvertAddress(const struct sockaddr_storage *pAddr, socklen_t iAddrLen, CS_STRING &sIP, uint16_t *piPort) const | Csock | virtual |
Copy(const Csock &cCopy) | Csock | virtual |
CoreCaps() | CClient | protectedstatic |
CreateSocksFD() | Csock | |
Cron() | CSockCommon | virtual |
Csock(int iTimeout=60) | Csock | |
Csock(const CS_STRING &sHostname, uint16_t uPort, int itimeout=60) | Csock | |
CSockCommon() | CSockCommon | inline |
CST_BINDVHOST enum value | Csock | |
CST_CONNECT enum value | Csock | |
CST_CONNECTSSL enum value | Csock | |
CST_DESTDNS enum value | Csock | |
CST_DNS enum value | Csock | |
CST_OK enum value | Csock | |
CST_START enum value | Csock | |
CZNCSock(int timeout=60) | CZNCSock | |
CZNCSock(const CString &sHost, u_short port, int timeout=60) | CZNCSock | |
DelCron(const CS_STRING &sName, bool bDeleteAll=true, bool bCaseSensitive=true) | CSockCommon | virtual |
DelCron(uint32_t iPos) | CSockCommon | virtual |
DelCronByAddr(CCron *pcCron) | CSockCommon | virtual |
Dereference() | Csock | virtual |
DisableReadLine() | Csock | |
DisableSSLCompression() | Csock | inline |
DisableSSLProtocols(u_int uDisableOpts) | Csock | inline |
Disconnected() override | CClient | virtual |
DNS_DEST enum value | Csock | |
DNS_VHOST enum value | Csock | |
DNSLookup(EDNSLType eDNSLType) | Csock | |
ECloseType enum name | Csock | |
ECONState enum name | Csock | |
EDisableProtocol enum name | Csock | |
EDNSLType enum name | Csock | |
EDP_None enum value | Csock | |
EDP_SSL enum value | Csock | |
EDP_SSLv2 enum value | Csock | |
EDP_SSLv3 enum value | Csock | |
EDP_TLSv1 enum value | Csock | |
EDP_TLSv1_1 enum value | Csock | |
EDP_TLSv1_2 enum value | Csock | |
EFRead enum name | Csock | |
EFSelect enum name | Csock | |
EnableReadLine() | Csock | |
errnoBadSSLCert enum value | CZNCSock | protected |
ESSLMethod enum name | Csock | |
ETConn enum name | Csock | |
FollowSSLCipherServerPreference() | Csock | inline |
GetAddrInfo(const CS_STRING &sHostname, CSSockAddr &csSockAddr) | Csock | virtual |
GetAvgRead(uint64_t iSample=1000) const | Csock | |
GetAvgWrite(uint64_t iSample=1000) const | Csock | |
GetBindHost() const | Csock | inline |
GetBytesRead() const | Csock | |
GetBytesWritten() const | Csock | |
GetCipher() const | Csock | |
GetClients() const | CClient | |
GetCloseType() const | Csock | inline |
GetConState() const | Csock | inline |
GetCrons() const | CSockCommon | inline |
GetDHParamLocation() const | Csock | |
GetEncoding() const | Csock | inline |
GetFullName() const | CClient | |
GetHostName() const | Csock | |
GetIdentifier() const | CClient | inline |
GetInternalReadBuffer() | Csock | |
GetInternalWriteBuffer() | Csock | |
GetIPv6() const | Csock | inline |
GetIRCSock() const | CClient | |
GetIRCSock() | CClient | |
GetKeyLocation() const | Csock | |
GetLastCheckTimeout() const | Csock | inline |
GetLocalIP() const | Csock | |
GetLocalPort() const | Csock | |
GetMaxBufferThreshold() const | Csock | |
GetMaxConns() const | Csock | inline |
GetNetwork() const | CClient | inline |
GetNextCheckTimeout(time_t iNow=0) const | Csock | |
GetNick(bool bAllowIRCNick=true) const | CClient | |
GetNickMask() const | CClient | |
GetParentSockName() const | Csock | |
GetPeerFingerprint(CS_STRING &sFP) const | Csock | |
GetPeerPubKey() const | Csock | |
GetPemLocation() const | Csock | |
GetPemPass() const | Csock | |
GetPending() const | Csock | virtual |
GetPort() const | Csock | |
GetRateBytes() const | Csock | |
GetRateTime() const | Csock | |
GetRemoteIP() const | CZNCSock | inlinevirtual |
GetRemotePort() const | Csock | |
GetRequireClientCertFlags() const | Csock | |
GetRSock() | Csock | |
GetRSock() const | Csock | |
GetSock() | Csock | |
GetSock() const | Csock | |
GetSockName() const | Csock | |
GetSockObj(const CS_STRING &sHostname, uint16_t iPort) | Csock | virtual |
GetSSL() const | Csock | |
GetSSLMethod() const | Csock | |
GetSSLObject() const | Csock | |
GetSSLPeerFingerprint(X509 *pCert=nullptr) const | CZNCSock | |
GetSSLSession() const | Csock | |
GetStartTime() const | Csock | |
GetTimeout() const | Csock | |
GetTimeoutType() const | Csock | |
GetTimeSinceLastDataTransaction(time_t iNow=0) const | Csock | |
GetTrustAllCerts() const | CZNCSock | inline |
GetTrustPKI() const | CZNCSock | inline |
GetType() const | Csock | |
GetUser() const | CClient | inline |
GetWSock() | Csock | |
GetWSock() const | Csock | |
GetX509() const | Csock | |
HasAccountNotify() const | CClient | inline |
HasAwayNotify() const | CClient | inline |
HasBatch() const | CClient | inline |
HasCap302() const | CClient | inline |
HasCapNotify() const | CClient | inline |
HasChgHost() const | CClient | inline |
HasEchoMessage() const | CClient | inline |
HasExtendedJoin() const | CClient | inline |
HasNamesx() const | CClient | inline |
HasReadLine() const | Csock | inline |
HasSelfMessage() const | CClient | inline |
HasServerTime() const | CClient | inline |
HasUHNames() const | CClient | inline |
HasWriteBuffer() const | Csock | |
HelpUser(const CString &sFilter="") | CClient | |
IcuExtFromUCallback(UConverterFromUnicodeArgs *fromArgs, const UChar *codeUnits, int32_t length, UChar32 codePoint, UConverterCallbackReason reason, UErrorCode *err) override | CIRCSocket | virtual |
IcuExtToUCallback(UConverterToUnicodeArgs *toArgs, const char *codeUnits, int32_t length, UConverterCallbackReason reason, UErrorCode *err) override | CIRCSocket | virtual |
INBOUND enum value | Csock | |
IsAttached() const | CClient | inline |
IsAway() const | CClient | inline |
IsCapEnabled(const CString &sCap) const | CClient | inline |
IsClosed() const | Csock | inline |
IsConnected() const | Csock | virtual |
IsPlaybackActive() const | CClient | inline |
IsReadPaused() const | Csock | |
IsTagEnabled(const CString &sTag) const | CClient | inline |
IsValidIdentifier(const CString &sIdentifier) | CClient | static |
Listen(uint16_t iPort, int iMaxConns=SOMAXCONN, const CS_STRING &sBindHost="", uint32_t iTimeout=0, bool bDetach=false) | Csock | virtual |
LISTENER enum value | Csock | |
Listening(const CS_STRING &sBindIP, uint16_t uPort) | Csock | inlinevirtual |
ListenUnix(const CS_STRING &sBindFile, int iMaxConns=SOMAXCONN, uint32_t iTimeout=0) | Csock | virtual |
m_bAccountNotify | CClient | protected |
m_bAway | CClient | protected |
m_bAwayNotify | CClient | protected |
m_bBatch | CClient | protected |
m_bCapNotify | CClient | protected |
m_bChgHost | CClient | protected |
m_bEchoMessage | CClient | protected |
m_bExtendedJoin | CClient | protected |
m_bGotNick | CClient | protected |
m_bGotPass | CClient | protected |
m_bGotUser | CClient | protected |
m_bInCap | CClient | protected |
m_bNamesx | CClient | protected |
m_bPlaybackActive | CClient | protected |
m_bSelfMessage | CClient | protected |
m_bServerTime | CClient | protected |
m_bUHNames | CClient | protected |
m_pNetwork | CClient | protected |
m_pUser | CClient | protected |
m_sIdentifier | CClient | protected |
m_sNetwork | CClient | protected |
m_sNick | CClient | protected |
m_sPass | CClient | protected |
m_spAuth | CClient | protected |
m_ssAcceptedCaps | CClient | protected |
m_ssSupportedTags | CClient | protected |
m_sUser | CClient | protected |
m_uCapVersion | CClient | protected |
m_vcCrons | CSockCommon | protected |
m_vcMonitorFD | CSockCommon | protected |
MonitorFD(CSMonitorFD *pMonitorFD) | CSockCommon | inline |
NonBlockingIO() | Csock | |
NotifyServerDependentCap(const CString &sCap, bool bValue, const CString &sValue) | CClient | |
operator<<(const CS_STRING &s) | Csock | |
operator<<(std::ostream &(*io)(std::ostream &)) | Csock | |
operator<<(int32_t i) | Csock | |
operator<<(uint32_t i) | Csock | |
operator<<(int64_t i) | Csock | |
operator<<(uint64_t i) | Csock | |
operator<<(float i) | Csock | |
operator<<(double i) | Csock | |
operator=(const CClient &)=delete | CClient | |
OUTBOUND enum value | Csock | |
PauseRead() | Csock | |
PushBuff(const char *data, size_t len, bool bStartAtZero=false) | Csock | virtual |
PutClient(const CString &sLine) | CClient | |
PutClient(const CMessage &Message) | CClient | |
PutClientRaw(const CString &sLine) | CClient | |
PutIRC(const CString &sLine) | CClient | |
PutModNotice(const CString &sModule, const CString &sLine) | CClient | |
PutModule(const CString &sModule, const CString &sLine) | CClient | |
PutStatus(const CTable &table) | CClient | |
PutStatus(const CString &sLine) | CClient | |
PutStatusNotice(const CString &sLine) | CClient | |
ReachedMaxBuffer() override | CClient | virtual |
Read(char *data, size_t len) | Csock | virtual |
READ_CONNREFUSED enum value | Csock | |
READ_EAGAIN enum value | Csock | |
READ_EOF enum value | Csock | |
READ_ERR enum value | Csock | |
READ_TIMEDOUT enum value | Csock | |
ReadData(const char *data, size_t len) | Csock | inlinevirtual |
ReadLine(const CString &sData) override | CClient | |
CIRCSocket::ReadLine(const CS_STRING &sLine) | Csock | inlinevirtual |
ReadPaused() | Csock | inlinevirtual |
RefuseLogin(const CString &sReason) | CClient | |
ResetBytesRead() | Csock | |
ResetBytesWritten() | Csock | |
ResetStartTime() | Csock | |
ResetTimer() | Csock | virtual |
SEL_EAGAIN enum value | Csock | |
SEL_ERR enum value | Csock | |
SEL_OK enum value | Csock | |
SEL_TIMEOUT enum value | Csock | |
SendMotd() | CClient | |
SendRequiredPasswordNotice() | CClient | |
SetAFRequire(CSSockAddr::EAFRequire iAFRequire) | Csock | inline |
SetAway(bool bAway) | CClient | inline |
SetBindHost(const CS_STRING &sBindHost) | Csock | inline |
SetCertVerifyCB(FPCertVerifyCB pFP) | Csock | inline |
SetCipher(const CS_STRING &sCipher) | Csock | |
SetConState(ECONState eState) | Csock | inline |
SetCTXObject(SSL_CTX *sslCtx, bool bDeleteExisting=false) | Csock | |
SetDHParamLocation(const CS_STRING &sDHParamFile) | Csock | |
SetEncoding(const CString &) | CZNCSock | |
Csock::SetEncoding(const CS_STRING &sEncoding) | Csock | |
SetHostName(const CS_STRING &sHostname) | Csock | |
SetHostToVerifySSL(const CString &sHost) | CZNCSock | inline |
SetIPv6(bool b) | Csock | inline |
SetIsConnected(bool b) | Csock | virtual |
SetKeyLocation(const CS_STRING &sKeyFile) | Csock | |
SetMaxBufferThreshold(uint32_t iThreshold) | Csock | |
SetNetwork(CIRCNetwork *pNetwork, bool bDisconnect=true, bool bReconnect=true) | CClient | |
SetNick(const CString &s) | CClient | |
SetParentSockName(const CS_STRING &sParentName) | Csock | virtual |
SetPemLocation(const CS_STRING &sPemFile) | Csock | |
SetPemPass(const CS_STRING &sPassword) | Csock | |
SetPlaybackActive(bool bActive) | CClient | inline |
SetPort(uint16_t iPort) | Csock | |
SetRate(uint32_t iBytes, uint64_t iMilliseconds) | Csock | virtual |
SetRequireClientCertFlags(uint32_t iRequireClientCertFlags) | Csock | inline |
SetRequiresClientCert(bool bRequiresCert) | Csock | |
SetRSock(cs_sock_t iSock) | Csock | |
SetSkipConnect(bool b) | Csock | inline |
SetSock(cs_sock_t iSock) | Csock | |
SetSockName(const CS_STRING &sName) | Csock | |
SetSSL(bool b) | Csock | |
SetSSLMethod(int iMethod) | Csock | |
SetSSLObject(SSL *ssl, bool bDeleteExisting=false) | Csock | |
SetSSLTrustedPeerFingerprints(const SCString &ssFPs) | CZNCSock | inline |
SetTagSupport(const CString &sTag, bool bState) | CClient | |
SetTimeout(int iTimeout, uint32_t iTimeoutType=TMO_ALL) | Csock | |
SetTimeoutType(uint32_t iTimeoutType) | Csock | |
SetTrustAllCerts(bool bTrustAll) | CZNCSock | inline |
SetTrustPKI(bool bTrustPKI) | CZNCSock | inline |
SetType(int iType) | Csock | |
SetupServerCTX() | Csock | |
SetupVHost() | Csock | |
SetWSock(cs_sock_t iSock) | Csock | |
SNIConfigureClient(CString &sHostname) override | CZNCSock | |
Csock::SNIConfigureClient(CS_STRING &sHostname) | Csock | virtual |
SNIConfigureServer(const CS_STRING &sHostname, CS_STRING &sPemFile, CS_STRING &sPemPass) | Csock | inlinevirtual |
SockError(int iErrno, const CS_STRING &sDescription) | Csock | inlinevirtual |
SSL2 enum value | Csock | |
SSL23 enum value | Csock | |
SSL3 enum value | Csock | |
SSLCertError(X509 *pCert) | CZNCSock | inlinevirtual |
SSLClientSetup() | Csock | virtual |
SSLFinishSetup(SSL *pSSL) | Csock | inlinevirtual |
SSLHandShakeFinished() override | CZNCSock | virtual |
SslIsEstablished() const | Csock | |
SSLServerSetup() | Csock | virtual |
StartTLS() | Csock | |
StatusCTCP(const CString &sCommand) | CClient | |
t_d(const CString &sEnglish, const CString &sContext="") | CCoreTranslationMixin | protectedstatic |
t_f(const CString &sEnglish, const CString &sContext="") | CCoreTranslationMixin | protectedstatic |
t_p(const CString &sEnglish, const CString &sEnglishes, int iNum, const CString &sContext="") | CCoreTranslationMixin | protectedstatic |
t_s(const CString &sEnglish, const CString &sContext="") | CCoreTranslationMixin | protectedstatic |
Timeout() override | CClient | virtual |
TLS enum value | Csock | |
TLS1 enum value | Csock | |
TLS11 enum value | Csock | |
TLS12 enum value | Csock | |
TMO_ACCEPT enum value | Csock | |
TMO_ALL enum value | Csock | |
TMO_READ enum value | Csock | |
TMO_WRITE enum value | Csock | |
UnPauseRead() | Csock | |
UserCommand(CString &sLine) | CClient | |
UserPortCommand(CString &sLine) | CClient | |
VerifyPeerCertificate(int iPreVerify, X509_STORE_CTX *pStoreCTX) override | CZNCSock | virtual |
Write(const char *data, size_t len) | Csock | virtual |
Write(const CS_STRING &sData) | Csock | virtual |
~CClient() | CClient | virtual |
~Csock() | Csock | virtual |
~CSockCommon() | CSockCommon | virtual |
~CZNCSock() | CZNCSock | inline |