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Csock Class Reference

Basic socket class. More...

#include <Csocket.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Csock:
+ Collaboration diagram for Csock:

Public Types

enum  ETConn { OUTBOUND = 0 , LISTENER = 1 , INBOUND = 2 }
enum  EFRead {
enum  EFSelect { SEL_OK = 0 , SEL_TIMEOUT = -1 , SEL_EAGAIN = -2 , SEL_ERR = -3 }
enum  ESSLMethod {
  TLS = 0 , SSL23 = TLS , SSL2 = 2 , SSL3 = 3 ,
  TLS1 = 4 , TLS11 = 5 , TLS12 = 6
enum  EDisableProtocol {
  EDP_None = 0 , EDP_SSLv2 = 1 , EDP_SSLv3 = 2 , EDP_TLSv1 = 4 ,
  EDP_TLSv1_1 = 8 , EDP_TLSv1_2 = 16 , EDP_SSL = (EDP_SSLv2|EDP_SSLv3)
enum  ECONState {
enum  ECloseType { CLT_DONT = 0 , CLT_NOW = 1 , CLT_AFTERWRITE = 2 , CLT_DEREFERENCE = 3 }
 this timeout isn't just connection timeout, but also timeout on NOT recieving data, to disable this set it to 0 then the normal TCP timeout will apply (basically TCP will kill a dead connection) Set the timeout, set to 0 to never timeout More...

Public Member Functions

 Csock (int iTimeout=60)
 default constructor, sets a timeout of 60 seconds
 Csock (const CS_STRING &sHostname, uint16_t uPort, int itimeout=60)
 Advanced constructor, for creating a simple connection.
virtual CsockGetSockObj (const CS_STRING &sHostname, uint16_t iPort)
 override this for accept sockets
virtual ~Csock ()
virtual void Dereference ()
 in the event you pass this class to Copy(), you MUST call this function or on the original Csock other wise bad side effects will happen (double deletes, weird sock closures, etc) if you call this function and have not handled the internal pointers, other bad things can happend (memory leaks, fd leaks, etc) the whole point of this function is to allow this class to go away without shutting down
virtual void Copy (const Csock &cCopy)
 use this to copy a sock from one to the other, override it if you have special needs in the event of a copy
Csockoperator<< (const CS_STRING &s)
Csockoperator<< (std::ostream &(*io)(std::ostream &))
Csockoperator<< (int32_t i)
Csockoperator<< (uint32_t i)
Csockoperator<< (int64_t i)
Csockoperator<< (uint64_t i)
Csockoperator<< (float i)
Csockoperator<< (double i)
virtual bool Connect ()
 Create the connection, this is used by the socket manager, and shouldn't be called directly by the user.
virtual bool ConnectUnix (const CS_STRING &sPath)
 Connect to a UNIX socket.
virtual bool ListenUnix (const CS_STRING &sBindFile, int iMaxConns=SOMAXCONN, uint32_t iTimeout=0)
 Listens for connections on an UNIX socket.
virtual bool Listen (uint16_t iPort, int iMaxConns=SOMAXCONN, const CS_STRING &sBindHost="", uint32_t iTimeout=0, bool bDetach=false)
 Listens for connections.
virtual cs_sock_t Accept (CS_STRING &sHost, uint16_t &iRPort)
 Accept an inbound connection, this is used internally.
virtual bool AcceptSSL ()
 Accept an inbound SSL connection, this is used internally and called after Accept.
virtual bool SSLClientSetup ()
 This sets up the SSL Client, this is used internally.
virtual bool SSLServerSetup ()
 This sets up the SSL Server, this is used internally.
virtual bool ConnectSSL ()
 Create the SSL connection.
bool StartTLS ()
 start a TLS connection on an existing plain connection
virtual bool Write (const char *data, size_t len)
 Write data to the socket.
virtual bool Write (const CS_STRING &sData)
 Write a text string to the socket.
virtual cs_ssize_t Read (char *data, size_t len)
 Read from the socket Just pass in a pointer, big enough to hold len bytes.
CS_STRING GetLocalIP () const
CS_STRING GetRemoteIP () const
virtual bool IsConnected () const
 Tells you if the socket is connected.
virtual void SetIsConnected (bool b)
 Sets the sock, telling it its connected (internal use only)
cs_sock_tGetRSock ()
 returns a reference to the sock
const cs_sock_tGetRSock () const
void SetRSock (cs_sock_t iSock)
cs_sock_tGetWSock ()
const cs_sock_tGetWSock () const
void SetWSock (cs_sock_t iSock)
void SetSock (cs_sock_t iSock)
cs_sock_tGetSock ()
const cs_sock_tGetSock () const
void CallSockError (int iErrno, const CS_STRING &sDescription="")
 calls SockError, if sDescription is not set, then strerror is used to pull out a default description
virtual void ResetTimer ()
 resets the time counter, this is virtual in the event you need an event on the timer being Reset
void PauseRead ()
 will pause/unpause reading on this socket
void UnPauseRead ()
bool IsReadPaused () const
void SetTimeout (int iTimeout, uint32_t iTimeoutType=TMO_ALL)
 Currently this uses the same value for all timeouts, and iTimeoutType merely states which event will be checked for timeouts.
void SetTimeoutType (uint32_t iTimeoutType)
int GetTimeout () const
uint32_t GetTimeoutType () const
virtual bool CheckTimeout (time_t iNow)
 returns true if the socket has timed out
virtual void PushBuff (const char *data, size_t len, bool bStartAtZero=false)
 pushes data up on the buffer, if a line is ready it calls the ReadLine event
CS_STRINGGetInternalReadBuffer ()
 This gives access to the internal read buffer, if your not going to use ReadLine(), then you may want to clear this out (if its binary data and not many '\n')
CS_STRINGGetInternalWriteBuffer ()
 This gives access to the internal write buffer.
void SetMaxBufferThreshold (uint32_t iThreshold)
 sets the max buffered threshold when EnableReadLine() is enabled
uint32_t GetMaxBufferThreshold () const
int GetType () const
 Returns the connection type from enum eConnType.
void SetType (int iType)
const CS_STRINGGetSockName () const
 Returns a reference to the socket name.
void SetSockName (const CS_STRING &sName)
const CS_STRINGGetHostName () const
 Returns a reference to the host name.
void SetHostName (const CS_STRING &sHostname)
uint64_t GetStartTime () const
 Gets the starting time of this socket.
void ResetStartTime ()
 Resets the start time.
uint64_t GetBytesRead () const
 Gets the amount of data read during the existence of the socket.
void ResetBytesRead ()
uint64_t GetBytesWritten () const
 Gets the amount of data written during the existence of the socket.
void ResetBytesWritten ()
double GetAvgRead (uint64_t iSample=1000) const
 Get Avg Read Speed in sample milliseconds (default is 1000 milliseconds or 1 second)
double GetAvgWrite (uint64_t iSample=1000) const
 Get Avg Write Speed in sample milliseconds (default is 1000 milliseconds or 1 second)
uint16_t GetRemotePort () const
 Returns the remote port.
uint16_t GetLocalPort () const
 Returns the local port.
uint16_t GetPort () const
 Returns the port.
void SetPort (uint16_t iPort)
void Close (ECloseType eCloseType=CLT_NOW)
 just mark us as closed, the parent can pick it up
ECloseType GetCloseType () const
 returns int of type to close
bool IsClosed () const
void NonBlockingIO ()
 Use this to change your fd's to blocking or none blocking.
bool GetSSL () const
 Return true if this socket is using ssl. Note this does not mean the SSL state is finished, but simply that its configured to use ssl.
void SetSSL (bool b)
void DisableSSLProtocols (u_int uDisableOpts)
 bitwise setter,
void DisableSSLCompression ()
 allow disabling compression
void FollowSSLCipherServerPreference ()
 select the ciphers in server-preferred order
void SetCipher (const CS_STRING &sCipher)
 Set the cipher type ( openssl cipher [to see ciphers available] )
const CS_STRINGGetCipher () const
void SetDHParamLocation (const CS_STRING &sDHParamFile)
 Set the pem file location.
const CS_STRINGGetDHParamLocation () const
void SetKeyLocation (const CS_STRING &sKeyFile)
const CS_STRINGGetKeyLocation () const
void SetPemLocation (const CS_STRING &sPemFile)
const CS_STRINGGetPemLocation () const
void SetPemPass (const CS_STRING &sPassword)
const CS_STRINGGetPemPass () const
void SetSSLMethod (int iMethod)
 Set the SSL method type.
int GetSSLMethod () const
void SetSSLObject (SSL *ssl, bool bDeleteExisting=false)
SSL * GetSSLObject () const
void SetCTXObject (SSL_CTX *sslCtx, bool bDeleteExisting=false)
SSL_SESSION * GetSSLSession () const
void SetCertVerifyCB (FPCertVerifyCB pFP)
 setting this to NULL will allow the default openssl verification process kick in
bool HasWriteBuffer () const
 Get the send buffer.
void ClearWriteBuffer ()
bool SslIsEstablished () const
 is SSL_accept finished ? is the ssl properly finished (from write no error)
bool ConnectInetd (bool bIsSSL=false, const CS_STRING &sHostname="")
 Use this to bind this socket to inetd.
bool ConnectFD (int iReadFD, int iWriteFD, const CS_STRING &sName, bool bIsSSL=false, ETConn eDirection=INBOUND)
 Tie this guy to an existing real file descriptor.
X509 * GetX509 () const
 Get the peer's X509 cert.
CS_STRING GetPeerPubKey () const
 Returns the peer's public key.
long GetPeerFingerprint (CS_STRING &sFP) const
 Returns the peer's certificate finger print.
uint32_t GetRequireClientCertFlags () const
void SetRequiresClientCert (bool bRequiresCert)
 legacy, deprecated
void SetRequireClientCertFlags (uint32_t iRequireClientCertFlags)
 bitwise flags, 0 means don't require cert, SSL_VERIFY_PEER verifies peers, SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT will cause the connection to fail if no cert
virtual void SetParentSockName (const CS_STRING &sParentName)
 Set The INBOUND Parent sockname.
const CS_STRINGGetParentSockName () const
virtual void SetRate (uint32_t iBytes, uint64_t iMilliseconds)
 sets the rate at which we can send data
uint32_t GetRateBytes () const
uint64_t GetRateTime () const
virtual void Connected ()
 Connected event.
virtual void Disconnected ()
 Disconnected event.
virtual void Timeout ()
 Sock Timed out event.
virtual void ReadData (const char *data, size_t len)
 Ready to read data event.
virtual void ReadLine (const CS_STRING &sLine)
 Ready to Read a full line event.
void EnableReadLine ()
 set the value of m_bEnableReadLine to true, we don't want to store a buffer for ReadLine, unless we want it
void DisableReadLine ()
bool HasReadLine () const
 returns the value of m_bEnableReadLine, if ReadLine is enabled
virtual void ReachedMaxBuffer ()
 This WARNING event is called when your buffer for readline exceeds the warning threshold and triggers this event.
virtual void SockError (int iErrno, const CS_STRING &sDescription)
 A sock error occured event.
virtual bool ConnectionFrom (const CS_STRING &sHost, uint16_t iPort)
 Incoming Connection Event return false and the connection will fail default returns true.
virtual void Listening (const CS_STRING &sBindIP, uint16_t uPort)
 called when type is LISTENER and the listening port is up and running
virtual void ConnectionRefused ()
 Connection Refused Event.
virtual void ReadPaused ()
 This gets called every iteration of CSocketManager::Select() if the socket is ReadPaused.
virtual void SSLFinishSetup (SSL *pSSL)
 Gets called immediatly after the m_ssl member is setup and initialized, useful if you need to assign anything to this ssl session via SSL_set_ex_data.
virtual bool SNIConfigureServer (const CS_STRING &sHostname, CS_STRING &sPemFile, CS_STRING &sPemPass)
 gets called when a SNI request is sent, and used to configure a SNI session
virtual bool SNIConfigureClient (CS_STRING &sHostname)
 called to configure the SNI client
SSL_CTX * SetupServerCTX ()
 creates a new SSL_CTX based on the setup of this sock
virtual void SSLHandShakeFinished ()
 called once the SSL handshake is complete, this is triggered via SSL_CB_HANDSHAKE_DONE in SSL_set_info_callback()
virtual int VerifyPeerCertificate (int iPreVerify, X509_STORE_CTX *pStoreCTX)
 this is hooked in via SSL_set_verify, and be default it just returns 1 meaning success
time_t GetTimeSinceLastDataTransaction (time_t iNow=0) const
 return how long it has been (in seconds) since the last read or successful write
time_t GetLastCheckTimeout () const
time_t GetNextCheckTimeout (time_t iNow=0) const
 Returns the time when CheckTimeout() should be called next.
virtual int GetPending () const
 return the data imediatly ready for read
ECONState GetConState () const
 returns the current connection state
void SetConState (ECONState eState)
 sets the connection state to eState
bool CreateSocksFD ()
 grabs fd's for the sockets
void CloseSocksFD ()
 puts the socks back to the state they were prior to calling CreateSocksFD
const CS_STRINGGetBindHost () const
void SetBindHost (const CS_STRING &sBindHost)
int DNSLookup (EDNSLType eDNSLType)
 dns lookup
bool SetupVHost ()
 this is only used on outbound connections, listeners bind in a different spot
bool GetIPv6 () const
void SetIPv6 (bool b)
void SetAFRequire (CSSockAddr::EAFRequire iAFRequire)
bool AllowWrite (uint64_t &iNOW) const
 returns true if this socket can write its data, primarily used with rate shaping, initialize iNOW to 0 and it sets it on the first call
void SetSkipConnect (bool b)
virtual int GetAddrInfo (const CS_STRING &sHostname, CSSockAddr &csSockAddr)
 override this call with your own DNS lookup method if you have one.
virtual int ConvertAddress (const struct sockaddr_storage *pAddr, socklen_t iAddrLen, CS_STRING &sIP, uint16_t *piPort) const
 retrieve name info (numeric only) for a given sockaddr_storage
int GetMaxConns () const
 returns the number of max pending connections when type is LISTENER
void SetEncoding (const CS_STRING &sEncoding)
CS_STRING GetEncoding () const
virtual void IcuExtToUCallback (UConverterToUnicodeArgs *toArgs, const char *codeUnits, int32_t length, UConverterCallbackReason reason, UErrorCode *err)
virtual void IcuExtFromUCallback (UConverterFromUnicodeArgs *fromArgs, const UChar *codeUnits, int32_t length, UChar32 codePoint, UConverterCallbackReason reason, UErrorCode *err)
void CleanupCrons ()
void CleanupFDMonitors ()
const std::vector< CCron * > & GetCrons () const
 returns a const reference to the crons associated to this socket
virtual void Cron ()
 This has a garbage collecter, and is used internall to call the jobs.
virtual void AddCron (CCron *pcCron)
 insert a newly created cron
virtual void DelCron (const CS_STRING &sName, bool bDeleteAll=true, bool bCaseSensitive=true)
 deletes a cron by name
virtual void DelCron (uint32_t iPos)
 delete cron by idx
virtual void DelCronByAddr (CCron *pcCron)
 delete cron by address
void CheckFDs (const std::map< cs_sock_t, short > &miiReadyFds)
void AssignFDs (std::map< cs_sock_t, short > &miiReadyFds, struct timeval *tvtimeout)
void MonitorFD (CSMonitorFD *pMonitorFD)
 add an FD set to monitor

Protected Attributes

std::vector< CCron * > m_vcCrons
std::vector< CSMonitorFD * > m_vcMonitorFD

Detailed Description

Basic socket class.

The most basic level socket class. You can use this class directly for quick things or use the socket manager.

See also
Jim Hull csock.nosp@m.et@j.nosp@m.imloc.nosp@m.o.co.nosp@m.m

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

this timeout isn't just connection timeout, but also timeout on NOT recieving data, to disable this set it to 0 then the normal TCP timeout will apply (basically TCP will kill a dead connection) Set the timeout, set to 0 to never timeout


◆ ECloseType


don't close DER


close immediatly


close after finishing writing the buffer


used after copy in Csock::Dereference() to cleanup a sock thats being shutdown

◆ ECONState


◆ EDisableProtocol


disable nothing


disable SSL version 2


disable SSL version 3


disable TLS version 1


disable TLS version 1.1


disable TLS version 1.2




this lookup is for the vhost bind


this lookup is for the destination address

◆ EFRead


End Of File, done reading.


Error on the socket, socket closed, done reading.


Try to get data again.


Connection Refused.


Connection timed out.

◆ EFSelect


Select passed ok.


Select timed out.


Select wants you to try again.


Select recieved an error.

◆ ESSLMethod


◆ ETConn


outbound connection


a socket accepting connections


an inbound connection, passed from LISTENER

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Csock() [1/2]

Csock::Csock ( int  iTimeout = 60)

default constructor, sets a timeout of 60 seconds

◆ Csock() [2/2]

Csock::Csock ( const CS_STRING sHostname,
uint16_t  uPort,
int  itimeout = 60 

Advanced constructor, for creating a simple connection.

sHostnamethe hostname your are connecting to
uPortthe port you are connecting to
itimeouthow long to wait before ditching the connection, default is 60 seconds

◆ ~Csock()

virtual Csock::~Csock ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ Accept()

virtual cs_sock_t Csock::Accept ( CS_STRING sHost,
uint16_t &  iRPort 

Accept an inbound connection, this is used internally.

◆ AcceptSSL()

virtual bool Csock::AcceptSSL ( )

Accept an inbound SSL connection, this is used internally and called after Accept.

◆ AddCron()

virtual void CSockCommon::AddCron ( CCron pcCron)

insert a newly created cron

◆ AllowWrite()

bool Csock::AllowWrite ( uint64_t &  iNOW) const

returns true if this socket can write its data, primarily used with rate shaping, initialize iNOW to 0 and it sets it on the first call

◆ AssignFDs()

void CSockCommon::AssignFDs ( std::map< cs_sock_t, short > &  miiReadyFds,
struct timeval *  tvtimeout 

◆ CallSockError()

void Csock::CallSockError ( int  iErrno,
const CS_STRING sDescription = "" 

calls SockError, if sDescription is not set, then strerror is used to pull out a default description

iErrnothe errno to send
sDescriptionthe description of the error that occurred

◆ CheckFDs()

void CSockCommon::CheckFDs ( const std::map< cs_sock_t, short > &  miiReadyFds)

◆ CheckTimeout()

virtual bool Csock::CheckTimeout ( time_t  iNow)

returns true if the socket has timed out

◆ CleanupCrons()

void CSockCommon::CleanupCrons ( )

◆ CleanupFDMonitors()

void CSockCommon::CleanupFDMonitors ( )

◆ ClearWriteBuffer()

void Csock::ClearWriteBuffer ( )

◆ Close()

void Csock::Close ( ECloseType  eCloseType = CLT_NOW)

just mark us as closed, the parent can pick it up

Referenced by CExecSock::Kill().

◆ CloseSocksFD()

void Csock::CloseSocksFD ( )

puts the socks back to the state they were prior to calling CreateSocksFD

◆ Connect()

virtual bool Csock::Connect ( )

Create the connection, this is used by the socket manager, and shouldn't be called directly by the user.

true on success

Reimplemented in CSocket.

◆ Connected()

virtual void Csock::Connected ( )

Connected event.

Reimplemented in CClient, CHTTPSock, and CIRCSock.

◆ ConnectFD()

bool Csock::ConnectFD ( int  iReadFD,
int  iWriteFD,
const CS_STRING sName,
bool  bIsSSL = false,
ETConn  eDirection = INBOUND 

Tie this guy to an existing real file descriptor.

Referenced by CExecSock::Execute().

◆ ConnectInetd()

bool Csock::ConnectInetd ( bool  bIsSSL = false,
const CS_STRING sHostname = "" 

Use this to bind this socket to inetd.

◆ ConnectionFrom()

virtual bool Csock::ConnectionFrom ( const CS_STRING sHost,
uint16_t  iPort 

Incoming Connection Event return false and the connection will fail default returns true.

◆ ConnectionRefused()

virtual void Csock::ConnectionRefused ( )

Connection Refused Event.

Reimplemented in CClient, and CIRCSock.

◆ ConnectSSL()

virtual bool Csock::ConnectSSL ( )

Create the SSL connection.

true on success

This is used by the socket manager, and shouldn't be called directly by the user.

◆ ConnectUnix()

virtual bool Csock::ConnectUnix ( const CS_STRING sPath)

Connect to a UNIX socket.

sPaththe path to the UNIX socket.

◆ ConvertAddress()

virtual int Csock::ConvertAddress ( const struct sockaddr_storage *  pAddr,
socklen_t  iAddrLen,
uint16_t *  piPort 
) const

retrieve name info (numeric only) for a given sockaddr_storage

pAddrthe sockaddr_storage
iAddrLenthe length
sIPfilled with the IP from getnameinfo
piPortif not null, filled with the port
0 on success.

In the event you want to do additional work before or after getnameinfo is called, you can override this and do just that. One example is in the event that an ipv6 ip is a mapped ipv4 mapped, you can check like so.

  • if( pAddr->ss_family == AF_INET6 && IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED( &(((const struct sockaddr_in6 *)pAddr)->sin6_addr ) )

◆ Copy()

virtual void Csock::Copy ( const Csock cCopy)

use this to copy a sock from one to the other, override it if you have special needs in the event of a copy

◆ CreateSocksFD()

bool Csock::CreateSocksFD ( )

grabs fd's for the sockets

◆ Cron()

virtual void CSockCommon::Cron ( )

This has a garbage collecter, and is used internall to call the jobs.

◆ DelCron() [1/2]

virtual void CSockCommon::DelCron ( const CS_STRING sName,
bool  bDeleteAll = true,
bool  bCaseSensitive = true 

deletes a cron by name

sNamethe name of the cron
bDeleteAlldelete all crons that match sName
bCaseSensitiveuse strcmp or strcasecmp

◆ DelCron() [2/2]

virtual void CSockCommon::DelCron ( uint32_t  iPos)

delete cron by idx

◆ DelCronByAddr()

virtual void CSockCommon::DelCronByAddr ( CCron pcCron)

delete cron by address

◆ Dereference()

virtual void Csock::Dereference ( )

in the event you pass this class to Copy(), you MUST call this function or on the original Csock other wise bad side effects will happen (double deletes, weird sock closures, etc) if you call this function and have not handled the internal pointers, other bad things can happend (memory leaks, fd leaks, etc) the whole point of this function is to allow this class to go away without shutting down

◆ DisableReadLine()

void Csock::DisableReadLine ( )

◆ DisableSSLCompression()

void Csock::DisableSSLCompression ( )

allow disabling compression

◆ DisableSSLProtocols()

void Csock::DisableSSLProtocols ( u_int  uDisableOpts)

bitwise setter,

See also

◆ Disconnected()

virtual void Csock::Disconnected ( )

Disconnected event.

Reimplemented in CClient, and CIRCSock.

◆ DNSLookup()

int Csock::DNSLookup ( EDNSLType  eDNSLType)

dns lookup

See also
0 for success, EAGAIN to check back again (same arguments as before), ETIMEDOUT on failure

◆ EnableReadLine()

void Csock::EnableReadLine ( )

set the value of m_bEnableReadLine to true, we don't want to store a buffer for ReadLine, unless we want it

◆ FollowSSLCipherServerPreference()

void Csock::FollowSSLCipherServerPreference ( )

select the ciphers in server-preferred order

◆ GetAddrInfo()

virtual int Csock::GetAddrInfo ( const CS_STRING sHostname,
CSSockAddr csSockAddr 

override this call with your own DNS lookup method if you have one.

By default this function is blocking

sHostnamethe hostname to resolve
csSockAddrthe destination sock address info
See also
0 on success, ETIMEDOUT if no lookup was found, EAGAIN if you should check again later for an answer

◆ GetAvgRead()

double Csock::GetAvgRead ( uint64_t  iSample = 1000) const

Get Avg Read Speed in sample milliseconds (default is 1000 milliseconds or 1 second)

◆ GetAvgWrite()

double Csock::GetAvgWrite ( uint64_t  iSample = 1000) const

Get Avg Write Speed in sample milliseconds (default is 1000 milliseconds or 1 second)

◆ GetBindHost()

const CS_STRING & Csock::GetBindHost ( ) const

◆ GetBytesRead()

uint64_t Csock::GetBytesRead ( ) const

Gets the amount of data read during the existence of the socket.

◆ GetBytesWritten()

uint64_t Csock::GetBytesWritten ( ) const

Gets the amount of data written during the existence of the socket.

◆ GetCipher()

const CS_STRING & Csock::GetCipher ( ) const

◆ GetCloseType()

ECloseType Csock::GetCloseType ( ) const

returns int of type to close

See also

◆ GetConState()

ECONState Csock::GetConState ( ) const

returns the current connection state

◆ GetCrons()

const std::vector< CCron * > & CSockCommon::GetCrons ( ) const

returns a const reference to the crons associated to this socket

◆ GetDHParamLocation()

const CS_STRING & Csock::GetDHParamLocation ( ) const

◆ GetEncoding()

CS_STRING Csock::GetEncoding ( ) const

◆ GetHostName()

const CS_STRING & Csock::GetHostName ( ) const

Returns a reference to the host name.

◆ GetInternalReadBuffer()

CS_STRING & Csock::GetInternalReadBuffer ( )

This gives access to the internal read buffer, if your not going to use ReadLine(), then you may want to clear this out (if its binary data and not many '\n')

◆ GetInternalWriteBuffer()

CS_STRING & Csock::GetInternalWriteBuffer ( )

This gives access to the internal write buffer.

If you want to check if the send queue fills up, check here.

◆ GetIPv6()

bool Csock::GetIPv6 ( ) const

◆ GetKeyLocation()

const CS_STRING & Csock::GetKeyLocation ( ) const

◆ GetLastCheckTimeout()

time_t Csock::GetLastCheckTimeout ( ) const

◆ GetLocalIP()

CS_STRING Csock::GetLocalIP ( ) const

◆ GetLocalPort()

uint16_t Csock::GetLocalPort ( ) const

Returns the local port.

◆ GetMaxBufferThreshold()

uint32_t Csock::GetMaxBufferThreshold ( ) const

◆ GetMaxConns()

int Csock::GetMaxConns ( ) const

returns the number of max pending connections when type is LISTENER

◆ GetNextCheckTimeout()

time_t Csock::GetNextCheckTimeout ( time_t  iNow = 0) const

Returns the time when CheckTimeout() should be called next.

◆ GetParentSockName()

const CS_STRING & Csock::GetParentSockName ( ) const

◆ GetPeerFingerprint()

long Csock::GetPeerFingerprint ( CS_STRING sFP) const

Returns the peer's certificate finger print.

◆ GetPeerPubKey()

CS_STRING Csock::GetPeerPubKey ( ) const

Returns the peer's public key.

◆ GetPemLocation()

const CS_STRING & Csock::GetPemLocation ( ) const

◆ GetPemPass()

const CS_STRING & Csock::GetPemPass ( ) const

◆ GetPending()

virtual int Csock::GetPending ( ) const

return the data imediatly ready for read

◆ GetPort()

uint16_t Csock::GetPort ( ) const

Returns the port.

◆ GetRateBytes()

uint32_t Csock::GetRateBytes ( ) const

◆ GetRateTime()

uint64_t Csock::GetRateTime ( ) const

◆ GetRemoteIP()

CS_STRING Csock::GetRemoteIP ( ) const

Referenced by CZNCSock::GetRemoteIP().

◆ GetRemotePort()

uint16_t Csock::GetRemotePort ( ) const

Returns the remote port.

◆ GetRequireClientCertFlags()

uint32_t Csock::GetRequireClientCertFlags ( ) const

◆ GetRSock() [1/2]

cs_sock_t & Csock::GetRSock ( )

returns a reference to the sock

Referenced by CExecSock::~CExecSock().

◆ GetRSock() [2/2]

const cs_sock_t & Csock::GetRSock ( ) const

◆ GetSock() [1/2]

cs_sock_t & Csock::GetSock ( )

◆ GetSock() [2/2]

const cs_sock_t & Csock::GetSock ( ) const

◆ GetSockName()

const CS_STRING & Csock::GetSockName ( ) const

Returns a reference to the socket name.

◆ GetSockObj()

virtual Csock * Csock::GetSockObj ( const CS_STRING sHostname,
uint16_t  iPort 

override this for accept sockets

◆ GetSSL()

bool Csock::GetSSL ( ) const

Return true if this socket is using ssl. Note this does not mean the SSL state is finished, but simply that its configured to use ssl.

◆ GetSSLMethod()

int Csock::GetSSLMethod ( ) const

◆ GetSSLObject()

SSL * Csock::GetSSLObject ( ) const

◆ GetSSLSession()

SSL_SESSION * Csock::GetSSLSession ( ) const

◆ GetStartTime()

uint64_t Csock::GetStartTime ( ) const

Gets the starting time of this socket.

◆ GetTimeout()

int Csock::GetTimeout ( ) const

◆ GetTimeoutType()

uint32_t Csock::GetTimeoutType ( ) const

◆ GetTimeSinceLastDataTransaction()

time_t Csock::GetTimeSinceLastDataTransaction ( time_t  iNow = 0) const

return how long it has been (in seconds) since the last read or successful write

◆ GetType()

int Csock::GetType ( ) const

Returns the connection type from enum eConnType.

◆ GetWSock() [1/2]

cs_sock_t & Csock::GetWSock ( )

Referenced by CExecSock::~CExecSock().

◆ GetWSock() [2/2]

const cs_sock_t & Csock::GetWSock ( ) const

◆ GetX509()

X509 * Csock::GetX509 ( ) const

Get the peer's X509 cert.

it is up to you, the caller to call X509_free() on this object

◆ HasReadLine()

bool Csock::HasReadLine ( ) const

returns the value of m_bEnableReadLine, if ReadLine is enabled

◆ HasWriteBuffer()

bool Csock::HasWriteBuffer ( ) const

Get the send buffer.

◆ IcuExtFromUCallback()

virtual void Csock::IcuExtFromUCallback ( UConverterFromUnicodeArgs *  fromArgs,
const UChar *  codeUnits,
int32_t  length,
UChar32  codePoint,
UConverterCallbackReason  reason,
UErrorCode *  err 

Reimplemented in CIRCSocket.

◆ IcuExtToUCallback()

virtual void Csock::IcuExtToUCallback ( UConverterToUnicodeArgs *  toArgs,
const char *  codeUnits,
int32_t  length,
UConverterCallbackReason  reason,
UErrorCode *  err 

Reimplemented in CIRCSocket.

◆ IsClosed()

bool Csock::IsClosed ( ) const

◆ IsConnected()

virtual bool Csock::IsConnected ( ) const

Tells you if the socket is connected.

◆ IsReadPaused()

bool Csock::IsReadPaused ( ) const

◆ Listen()

virtual bool Csock::Listen ( uint16_t  iPort,
int  iMaxConns = SOMAXCONN,
const CS_STRING sBindHost = "",
uint32_t  iTimeout = 0,
bool  bDetach = false 

Listens for connections.

iPortthe port to listen on
iMaxConnsthe maximum amount of pending connections to allow
sBindHostthe vhost on which to listen
iTimeoutif no connections come in by this timeout, the listener is closed
bDetachdon't block waiting for port to come up, instead detach and return immediately

Reimplemented in CSocket.

◆ Listening()

virtual void Csock::Listening ( const CS_STRING sBindIP,
uint16_t  uPort 

called when type is LISTENER and the listening port is up and running

sBindIPthe IP that is being bound to. Empty if no bind restriction
uPortthe listening port

◆ ListenUnix()

virtual bool Csock::ListenUnix ( const CS_STRING sBindFile,
int  iMaxConns = SOMAXCONN,
uint32_t  iTimeout = 0 

Listens for connections on an UNIX socket.

sBindFilethe socket on which to listen
iMaxConnsthe maximum amount of pending connections to allow
iTimeoutif no connections come in by this timeout, the listener is closed

◆ MonitorFD()

void CSockCommon::MonitorFD ( CSMonitorFD pMonitorFD)

add an FD set to monitor

◆ NonBlockingIO()

void Csock::NonBlockingIO ( )

Use this to change your fd's to blocking or none blocking.

◆ operator<<() [1/8]

Csock & Csock::operator<< ( const CS_STRING s)

◆ operator<<() [2/8]

Csock & Csock::operator<< ( double  i)

◆ operator<<() [3/8]

Csock & Csock::operator<< ( float  i)

◆ operator<<() [4/8]

Csock & Csock::operator<< ( int32_t  i)

◆ operator<<() [5/8]

Csock & Csock::operator<< ( int64_t  i)

◆ operator<<() [6/8]

Csock & Csock::operator<< ( std::ostream &(*)(std::ostream &)  io)

◆ operator<<() [7/8]

Csock & Csock::operator<< ( uint32_t  i)

◆ operator<<() [8/8]

Csock & Csock::operator<< ( uint64_t  i)

◆ PauseRead()

void Csock::PauseRead ( )

will pause/unpause reading on this socket

◆ PushBuff()

virtual void Csock::PushBuff ( const char *  data,
size_t  len,
bool  bStartAtZero = false 

pushes data up on the buffer, if a line is ready it calls the ReadLine event

◆ ReachedMaxBuffer()

virtual void Csock::ReachedMaxBuffer ( )

This WARNING event is called when your buffer for readline exceeds the warning threshold and triggers this event.

Either Override it and do nothing, or SetMaxBufferThreshold() This event will only get called if m_bEnableReadLine is enabled

Reimplemented in CClient, CIRCSock, CIncomingConnection, and CSocket.

◆ Read()

virtual cs_ssize_t Csock::Read ( char *  data,
size_t  len 

Read from the socket Just pass in a pointer, big enough to hold len bytes.

datathe buffer to read into
lenthe size of the buffer
Returns READ_EOF for EOF Returns READ_ERR for ERROR Returns READ_EAGAIN for Try Again ( EAGAIN ) Returns READ_CONNREFUSED for connection refused Returns READ_TIMEDOUT for a connection that timed out at the TCP level Otherwise returns the bytes read into data

◆ ReadData()

virtual void Csock::ReadData ( const char *  data,
size_t  len 

Ready to read data event.

Reimplemented in CHTTPSock.

◆ ReadLine()

virtual void Csock::ReadLine ( const CS_STRING sLine)

Ready to Read a full line event.

If encoding is provided, this is guaranteed to be UTF-8

◆ ReadPaused()

virtual void Csock::ReadPaused ( )

This gets called every iteration of CSocketManager::Select() if the socket is ReadPaused.

◆ ResetBytesRead()

void Csock::ResetBytesRead ( )

◆ ResetBytesWritten()

void Csock::ResetBytesWritten ( )

◆ ResetStartTime()

void Csock::ResetStartTime ( )

Resets the start time.

◆ ResetTimer()

virtual void Csock::ResetTimer ( )

resets the time counter, this is virtual in the event you need an event on the timer being Reset

◆ SetAFRequire()

void Csock::SetAFRequire ( CSSockAddr::EAFRequire  iAFRequire)

◆ SetBindHost()

void Csock::SetBindHost ( const CS_STRING sBindHost)

◆ SetCertVerifyCB()

void Csock::SetCertVerifyCB ( FPCertVerifyCB  pFP)

setting this to NULL will allow the default openssl verification process kick in

◆ SetCipher()

void Csock::SetCipher ( const CS_STRING sCipher)

Set the cipher type ( openssl cipher [to see ciphers available] )

◆ SetConState()

void Csock::SetConState ( ECONState  eState)

sets the connection state to eState

◆ SetCTXObject()

void Csock::SetCTXObject ( SSL_CTX *  sslCtx,
bool  bDeleteExisting = false 

◆ SetDHParamLocation()

void Csock::SetDHParamLocation ( const CS_STRING sDHParamFile)

Set the pem file location.

◆ SetEncoding()

void Csock::SetEncoding ( const CS_STRING sEncoding)

◆ SetHostName()

void Csock::SetHostName ( const CS_STRING sHostname)

◆ SetIPv6()

void Csock::SetIPv6 ( bool  b)

◆ SetIsConnected()

virtual void Csock::SetIsConnected ( bool  b)

Sets the sock, telling it its connected (internal use only)

◆ SetKeyLocation()

void Csock::SetKeyLocation ( const CS_STRING sKeyFile)

◆ SetMaxBufferThreshold()

void Csock::SetMaxBufferThreshold ( uint32_t  iThreshold)

sets the max buffered threshold when EnableReadLine() is enabled

◆ SetParentSockName()

virtual void Csock::SetParentSockName ( const CS_STRING sParentName)

Set The INBOUND Parent sockname.

◆ SetPemLocation()

void Csock::SetPemLocation ( const CS_STRING sPemFile)

◆ SetPemPass()

void Csock::SetPemPass ( const CS_STRING sPassword)

◆ SetPort()

void Csock::SetPort ( uint16_t  iPort)

◆ SetRate()

virtual void Csock::SetRate ( uint32_t  iBytes,
uint64_t  iMilliseconds 

sets the rate at which we can send data

iBytesthe amount of bytes we can write
iMillisecondsthe amount of time we have to rate to iBytes

◆ SetRequireClientCertFlags()

void Csock::SetRequireClientCertFlags ( uint32_t  iRequireClientCertFlags)

bitwise flags, 0 means don't require cert, SSL_VERIFY_PEER verifies peers, SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT will cause the connection to fail if no cert

◆ SetRequiresClientCert()

void Csock::SetRequiresClientCert ( bool  bRequiresCert)

legacy, deprecated

See also

◆ SetRSock()

void Csock::SetRSock ( cs_sock_t  iSock)

Referenced by CExecSock::~CExecSock().

◆ SetSkipConnect()

void Csock::SetSkipConnect ( bool  b)

◆ SetSock()

void Csock::SetSock ( cs_sock_t  iSock)

◆ SetSockName()

void Csock::SetSockName ( const CS_STRING sName)

◆ SetSSL()

void Csock::SetSSL ( bool  b)

◆ SetSSLMethod()

void Csock::SetSSLMethod ( int  iMethod)

Set the SSL method type.

◆ SetSSLObject()

void Csock::SetSSLObject ( SSL *  ssl,
bool  bDeleteExisting = false 

◆ SetTimeout()

void Csock::SetTimeout ( int  iTimeout,
uint32_t  iTimeoutType = TMO_ALL 

Currently this uses the same value for all timeouts, and iTimeoutType merely states which event will be checked for timeouts.

◆ SetTimeoutType()

void Csock::SetTimeoutType ( uint32_t  iTimeoutType)

◆ SetType()

void Csock::SetType ( int  iType)

◆ SetupServerCTX()

SSL_CTX * Csock::SetupServerCTX ( )

creates a new SSL_CTX based on the setup of this sock

◆ SetupVHost()

bool Csock::SetupVHost ( )

this is only used on outbound connections, listeners bind in a different spot

◆ SetWSock()

void Csock::SetWSock ( cs_sock_t  iSock)

Referenced by CExecSock::~CExecSock().

◆ SNIConfigureClient()

virtual bool Csock::SNIConfigureClient ( CS_STRING sHostname)

called to configure the SNI client

sHostname,thehostname to configure SNI with, you can fill this with GetHostname() if its a valid hostname and not an OP
returning true causes a call to configure SNI with the hostname returned

◆ SNIConfigureServer()

virtual bool Csock::SNIConfigureServer ( const CS_STRING sHostname,

gets called when a SNI request is sent, and used to configure a SNI session

sHostnamethe hostname sent from the client
sPemFilefill this with the location to the pemfile
sPemPassfill this with the pemfile password if there is one
return true to proceed with the SNI server configuration

◆ SockError()

virtual void Csock::SockError ( int  iErrno,
const CS_STRING sDescription 

A sock error occured event.

◆ SSLClientSetup()

virtual bool Csock::SSLClientSetup ( )

This sets up the SSL Client, this is used internally.

◆ SSLFinishSetup()

virtual void Csock::SSLFinishSetup ( SSL *  pSSL)

Gets called immediatly after the m_ssl member is setup and initialized, useful if you need to assign anything to this ssl session via SSL_set_ex_data.

◆ SSLHandShakeFinished()

virtual void Csock::SSLHandShakeFinished ( )

called once the SSL handshake is complete, this is triggered via SSL_CB_HANDSHAKE_DONE in SSL_set_info_callback()

This is a spot where you can look at the finished peer certifificate ... IE

X509 * pCert = GetX509();
char szName[256];
memset( szName, '\0', 256 );
X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID ( X509_get_subject_name( pCert ), NID_commonName, szName, 255 );
cerr << "Name! " << szName << endl;
X509_free( pCert );

Reimplemented in CZNCSock.

◆ SslIsEstablished()

bool Csock::SslIsEstablished ( ) const

is SSL_accept finished ? is the ssl properly finished (from write no error)

◆ SSLServerSetup()

virtual bool Csock::SSLServerSetup ( )

This sets up the SSL Server, this is used internally.

◆ StartTLS()

bool Csock::StartTLS ( )

start a TLS connection on an existing plain connection

◆ Timeout()

virtual void Csock::Timeout ( )

Sock Timed out event.

Reimplemented in CClient, and CIRCSock.

◆ UnPauseRead()

void Csock::UnPauseRead ( )

◆ VerifyPeerCertificate()

virtual int Csock::VerifyPeerCertificate ( int  iPreVerify,
X509_STORE_CTX *  pStoreCTX 

this is hooked in via SSL_set_verify, and be default it just returns 1 meaning success

iPreVerifythe pre-verification status as determined by openssl internally
pStoreCTXthe X509_STORE_CTX containing the certificate
1 to continue, 0 to abort

This may get called multiple times, for example with a chain certificate which is fairly typical with certificates from godaddy, freessl, etc. Additionally, openssl does not do any host verification, they leave that up to the you. One easy way to deal with this is to wait for SSLHandShakeFinished() and examine the peer certificate

See also

Reimplemented in CZNCSock.

◆ Write() [1/2]

virtual bool Csock::Write ( const char *  data,
size_t  len 

Write data to the socket.

If not all of the data is sent, it will be stored on an internal buffer, and tried again with next call to Write if the socket is blocking, it will send everything, its ok to check ernno after this (nothing else is processed)

datathe data to send
lenthe length of data

◆ Write() [2/2]

virtual bool Csock::Write ( const CS_STRING sData)

Write a text string to the socket.

Encoding is used, if set

sDatathe string to send; if encoding is provided, sData should be UTF-8 and will be encoded
See also
Write( const char *, int )

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_vcCrons

std::vector<CCron *> CSockCommon::m_vcCrons

◆ m_vcMonitorFD

std::vector<CSMonitorFD *> CSockCommon::m_vcMonitorFD

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