ZNC trunk
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * Copyright (C) 2004-2024 ZNC, see the NOTICE file for details.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17#ifndef ZNC_UTILS_H
18#define ZNC_UTILS_H
20#include <znc/zncconfig.h>
21#include <znc/ZNCString.h>
22#include <assert.h>
23#include <cstdio>
24#include <fcntl.h>
25#include <map>
26#include <sys/file.h>
27#include <sys/time.h>
28#include <unistd.h>
29#include <vector>
31static inline void SetFdCloseOnExec(int fd) {
32 int flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFD, 0);
33 if (flags < 0) return; // Ignore errors
34 // When we execve() a new process this fd is now automatically closed.
35 fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, flags | FD_CLOEXEC);
38static const char g_HexDigits[] = "0123456789abcdef";
40class CUtils {
41 public:
45 static CString GetIP(unsigned long addr);
46 static unsigned long GetLongIP(const CString& sIP);
48 static void PrintError(const CString& sMessage);
49 static void PrintMessage(const CString& sMessage, bool bStrong = false);
50 static void PrintPrompt(const CString& sMessage);
51 static void PrintAction(const CString& sMessage);
52 static void PrintStatus(bool bSuccess, const CString& sMessage = "");
60 static CString GetSalt();
61 static CString SaltedMD5Hash(const CString& sPass, const CString& sSalt);
62 static CString SaltedSHA256Hash(const CString& sPass, const CString& sSalt);
63 static CString SaltedHash(const CString& sPass, const CString& sSalt);
64 static CString GetPass(const CString& sPrompt);
65 static bool GetInput(const CString& sPrompt, CString& sRet,
66 const CString& sDefault = "",
67 const CString& sHint = "");
68 static bool GetBoolInput(const CString& sPrompt, bool bDefault);
69 static bool GetBoolInput(const CString& sPrompt, bool* pbDefault = nullptr);
70 static bool GetNumInput(const CString& sPrompt, unsigned int& uRet,
71 unsigned int uMin = 0, unsigned int uMax = ~0,
72 unsigned int uDefault = ~0);
74 static timeval GetTime();
75 static unsigned long long GetMillTime();
76#ifdef HAVE_LIBSSL
77 static void GenerateCert(FILE* pOut, const CString& sHost = "");
78#endif /* HAVE_LIBSSL */
80 static CString CTime(time_t t, const CString& sTZ);
81 static CString FormatTime(time_t t, const CString& sFormat,
82 const CString& sTZ);
96 static CString FormatTime(const timeval& tv, const CString& sFormat,
97 const CString& sTZ);
98 static CString FormatServerTime(const timeval& tv);
99 static timeval ParseServerTime(const CString& sTime);
106 static bool CheckCIDR(const CString& sIP, const CString& sRange);
109 static MCString GetMessageTags(const CString& sLine);
111 static void SetMessageTags(CString& sLine, const MCString& mssTags);
113 private:
114 protected:
118 public:
119 typedef enum { EX_Shutdown, EX_Restart } EType;
122 virtual ~CException() {}
124 EType GetType() const { return m_eType; }
126 private:
127 protected:
172class CTable : protected std::vector<std::vector<CString>> {
173 public:
176 virtual ~CTable() {}
185 bool AddColumn(const CString& sName);
192 bool SetStyle(EStyle eNewStyle);
198 size_type AddRow();
207 bool SetCell(const CString& sColumn, const CString& sValue,
208 size_type uRowIdx = ~0);
215 bool GetLine(unsigned int uIdx, CString& sLine) const;
223 CString::size_type GetColumnWidth(unsigned int uIdx) const;
226 void Clear();
229 using std::vector<std::vector<CString>>::size;
232 using std::vector<std::vector<CString>>::empty;
234 private:
235 unsigned int GetColumnIndex(const CString& sName) const;
237 protected:
238 std::vector<CString> m_vsHeaders;
239 // Used to cache the width of a column
240 std::map<CString, CString::size_type> m_msuWidths;
244#ifdef HAVE_LIBSSL
245#include <openssl/aes.h>
246#include <openssl/blowfish.h>
247#include <openssl/md5.h>
250 public:
256 CBlowfish(const CString& sPassword, int iEncrypt,
257 const CString& sIvec = "");
260 CBlowfish(const CBlowfish&) = default;
261 CBlowfish& operator=(const CBlowfish&) = default;
264 static unsigned char* MD5(const unsigned char* input, unsigned int ilen);
267 static CString MD5(const CString& sInput, bool bHexEncode = false);
270 void Crypt(unsigned char* input, unsigned char* output,
271 unsigned int ibytes);
274 unsigned char* Crypt(unsigned char* input, unsigned int ibytes);
275 CString Crypt(const CString& sData);
277 private:
278 unsigned char* m_ivec;
279 BF_KEY m_bkey;
280 int m_iEncrypt, m_num;
283#endif /* HAVE_LIBSSL */
290template <typename K, typename V = bool>
292 public:
293 TCacheMap(unsigned int uTTL = 5000) : m_mItems(), m_uTTL(uTTL) {}
295 virtual ~TCacheMap() {}
301 void AddItem(const K& Item) { AddItem(Item, m_uTTL); }
308 void AddItem(const K& Item, unsigned int uTTL) { AddItem(Item, V(), uTTL); }
315 void AddItem(const K& Item, const V& Val) { AddItem(Item, Val, m_uTTL); }
323 void AddItem(const K& Item, const V& Val, unsigned int uTTL) {
324 if (!uTTL) {
325 // If time-to-live is zero we don't want to waste our time adding
326 // it
327 RemItem(Item); // Remove the item incase it already exists
328 return;
329 }
331 m_mItems[Item] = value(CUtils::GetMillTime() + uTTL, Val);
332 }
339 bool HasItem(const K& Item) {
340 Cleanup();
341 return (m_mItems.find(Item) != m_mItems.end());
342 }
349 V* GetItem(const K& Item) {
350 Cleanup();
351 iterator it = m_mItems.find(Item);
352 if (it == m_mItems.end()) return nullptr;
353 return &it->second.second;
354 }
361 bool RemItem(const K& Item) { return (m_mItems.erase(Item) != 0); }
366 void Cleanup() {
367 iterator it = m_mItems.begin();
369 while (it != m_mItems.end()) {
370 if (CUtils::GetMillTime() > (it->second.first)) {
371 m_mItems.erase(it++);
372 } else {
373 ++it;
374 }
375 }
376 }
381 void Clear() { m_mItems.clear(); }
386 std::map<K, V> GetItems() {
387 Cleanup();
388 std::map<K, V> mItems;
389 for (const auto& it : m_mItems) {
390 mItems[it.first] = it.second.second;
391 }
392 return mItems;
393 }
395 // Setters
396 void SetTTL(unsigned int u) { m_uTTL = u; }
397 // !Setters
398 // Getters
399 unsigned int GetTTL() const { return m_uTTL; }
400 // !Getters
401 protected:
402 typedef std::pair<unsigned long long, V> value;
403 typedef typename std::map<K, value>::iterator iterator;
404 std::map<K, value>
406 unsigned int m_uTTL;
409#endif // !ZNC_UTILS_H
std::set< CString > SCString
Definition ZNCString.h:37
does Blowfish w/64 bit feedback, no padding
Definition Utils.h:249
CBlowfish(const CBlowfish &)=default
void Crypt(unsigned char *input, unsigned char *output, unsigned int ibytes)
output must be the same size as input
static unsigned char * MD5(const unsigned char *input, unsigned int ilen)
output must be freed
CBlowfish(const CString &sPassword, int iEncrypt, const CString &sIvec="")
unsigned char * Crypt(unsigned char *input, unsigned int ibytes)
must free result
CBlowfish & operator=(const CBlowfish &)=default
static CString MD5(const CString &sInput, bool bHexEncode=false)
returns an md5 of the CString (not hex encoded)
CString Crypt(const CString &sData)
Definition Utils.h:117
EType GetType() const
Definition Utils.h:124
virtual ~CException()
Definition Utils.h:122
Definition Utils.h:119
@ EX_Shutdown
Definition Utils.h:119
@ EX_Restart
Definition Utils.h:119
EType m_eType
Definition Utils.h:128
CException(EType e)
Definition Utils.h:121
String class that is used inside ZNC.
Definition ZNCString.h:68
Generate a grid-like or list-like output from a given input.
Definition Utils.h:172
bool AddColumn(const CString &sName)
Adds a new column to the table.
std::map< CString, CString::size_type > m_msuWidths
Definition Utils.h:240
EStyle eStyle
Definition Utils.h:241
std::vector< CString > m_vsHeaders
Definition Utils.h:238
virtual ~CTable()
Definition Utils.h:176
bool SetStyle(EStyle eNewStyle)
Selects the output style of the table.
bool SetCell(const CString &sColumn, const CString &sValue, size_type uRowIdx=~0)
Sets a given cell in the table to a value.
bool GetLine(unsigned int uIdx, CString &sLine) const
Get a line of the table's output.
CString::size_type GetColumnWidth(unsigned int uIdx) const
Return the width of the given column.
Definition Utils.h:174
@ GridStyle
Definition Utils.h:174
@ ListStyle
Definition Utils.h:174
size_type AddRow()
Adds a new row to the table.
Definition Utils.h:175
void Clear()
Completely clear the table.
Definition Utils.h:40
static SCString GetEncodings()
static bool CheckCIDR(const CString &sIP, const CString &sRange)
CIDR notation checker, e.g.
static CString FormatTime(time_t t, const CString &sFormat, const CString &sTZ)
static CString GetIP(unsigned long addr)
static CString GetPass(const CString &sPrompt)
static CString SaltedMD5Hash(const CString &sPass, const CString &sSalt)
static unsigned long GetLongIP(const CString &sIP)
static CString FormatServerTime(const timeval &tv)
static void PrintError(const CString &sMessage)
static CString SaltedSHA256Hash(const CString &sPass, const CString &sSalt)
static CString CTime(time_t t, const CString &sTZ)
static CString AskSaltedHashPassForConfig()
Asks password from stdin, with confirmation.
static void PrintPrompt(const CString &sMessage)
static CString SaltedHash(const CString &sPass, const CString &sSalt)
static bool GetNumInput(const CString &sPrompt, unsigned int &uRet, unsigned int uMin=0, unsigned int uMax=~0, unsigned int uDefault=~0)
static SCString GetTimezones()
static void SetMessageTags(CString &sLine, const MCString &mssTags)
static CString GetSalt()
static timeval GetTime()
static CString FormatTime(const timeval &tv, const CString &sFormat, const CString &sTZ)
Supports an additional format specifier for formatting sub-second values:
static void PrintStatus(bool bSuccess, const CString &sMessage="")
static MCString GetMessageTags(const CString &sLine)
static bool GetBoolInput(const CString &sPrompt, bool *pbDefault=nullptr)
static bool GetInput(const CString &sPrompt, CString &sRet, const CString &sDefault="", const CString &sHint="")
static void GenerateCert(FILE *pOut, const CString &sHost="")
static void PrintAction(const CString &sMessage)
static unsigned long long GetMillTime()
static bool GetBoolInput(const CString &sPrompt, bool bDefault)
static void PrintMessage(const CString &sMessage, bool bStrong=false)
static timeval ParseServerTime(const CString &sTime)
A dictionary for strings.
Definition ZNCString.h:595
Insert an object with a time-to-live and check later if it still exists.
Definition Utils.h:291
void AddItem(const K &Item, unsigned int uTTL)
This function adds an item to the cache using a custom time-to-live value.
Definition Utils.h:308
bool HasItem(const K &Item)
Performs a Cleanup() and then checks to see if your item exists.
Definition Utils.h:339
unsigned int m_uTTL
Default time-to-live duration.
Definition Utils.h:406
void Cleanup()
Cycles through the queue removing all of the stale entries.
Definition Utils.h:366
std::map< K, value >::iterator iterator
Definition Utils.h:403
bool RemItem(const K &Item)
Removes a specific item from the cache.
Definition Utils.h:361
void AddItem(const K &Item)
This function adds an item to the cache using the default time-to-live value.
Definition Utils.h:301
unsigned int GetTTL() const
Definition Utils.h:399
std::map< K, V > GetItems()
Returns all entries.
Definition Utils.h:386
std::map< K, value > m_mItems
Map of cached items.
Definition Utils.h:405
void AddItem(const K &Item, const V &Val, unsigned int uTTL)
This function adds an item to the cache using a custom time-to-live value.
Definition Utils.h:323
void Clear()
Clear all entries.
Definition Utils.h:381
virtual ~TCacheMap()
Definition Utils.h:295
void AddItem(const K &Item, const V &Val)
This function adds an item to the cache using the default time-to-live value.
Definition Utils.h:315
void SetTTL(unsigned int u)
Definition Utils.h:396
std::pair< unsigned long long, V > value
Definition Utils.h:402
TCacheMap(unsigned int uTTL=5000)
Definition Utils.h:293
V * GetItem(const K &Item)
Performs a Cleanup() and returns a pointer to the object, or nullptr.
Definition Utils.h:349