ZNC  trunk
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2004-2024 ZNC, see the NOTICE file for details.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #ifndef ZNC_MODULES_H
18 #define ZNC_MODULES_H
20 #include <znc/zncconfig.h>
21 #include <znc/WebModules.h>
22 #include <znc/Utils.h>
23 #include <znc/Threads.h>
24 #include <znc/Message.h>
25 #include <znc/main.h>
26 #include <znc/Translation.h>
27 #include <functional>
28 #include <memory>
29 #include <set>
30 #include <queue>
31 #include <sys/time.h>
33 // Forward Declarations
34 class CAuthBase;
35 class CChan;
36 class CQuery;
37 class CIRCNetwork;
38 class CClient;
39 class CWebSock;
40 class CTemplate;
41 class CIRCSock;
42 class CModule;
43 class CModInfo;
44 // !Forward Declarations
46 #ifdef REQUIRESSL
47 #ifndef HAVE_LIBSSL
48 #error -
49 #error -
50 #error This module only works when ZNC is compiled with OpenSSL support
51 #error -
52 #error -
53 #endif
54 #endif
57 #include <znc/znc_export_lib_export.h>
59 #define ZNC_EXPORT_LIB_EXPORT __attribute__((__visibility__("default")))
60 #else
62 #endif
81 struct CModuleEntry {
82  const char* pcVersion;
83  const char* pcVersionExtra;
84  const char* pcCompileOptions;
86 };
89  static void FillModInfo(CModInfo& Info) { \
90  auto t_s = [&](const CString& sEnglish, \
91  const CString& sContext = "") { \
92  return sEnglish.empty() ? "" : Info.t_s(sEnglish, sContext); \
93  }; \
94  t_s(CString()); /* Don't warn about unused t_s */ \
95  Info.SetDescription(DESCRIPTION); \
96  Info.SetDefaultType(TYPE); \
97  Info.AddType(TYPE); \
98  Info.SetLoader(TModLoad<CLASS>); \
99  TModInfo<CLASS>(Info); \
100  } \
101  extern "C" { \
102  /* A global variable leads to ODR violation when several modules are \
103  * loaded. But a static variable inside a function works. */ \
104  ZNC_EXPORT_LIB_EXPORT const CModuleEntry* ZNCModuleEntry(); \
105  ZNC_EXPORT_LIB_EXPORT const CModuleEntry* ZNCModuleEntry() { \
106  static const CModuleEntry ThisModule = {VERSION_STR, VERSION_EXTRA, \
108  FillModInfo}; \
109  return &ThisModule; \
110  } \
111  }
129  CLASS(ModHandle pDLL, CUser* pUser, CIRCNetwork* pNetwork, \
130  const CString& sModName, const CString& sModPath, \
131  CModInfo::EModuleType eType) \
132  : CModule(pDLL, pUser, pNetwork, sModName, sModPath, eType)
134 // User Module Macros
138 // !User Module Macros
140 // Global Module Macros
144 // !Global Module Macros
146 // Network Module Macros
150 // !Network Module Macros
160 // Forward Declarations
161 class CZNC;
162 class CUser;
163 class CNick;
164 class CChan;
165 class CModule;
166 class CFPTimer;
167 class CSockManager;
168 // !Forward Declarations
170 class CCapability {
171  public:
172  virtual ~CCapability() = default;
173  virtual void OnServerChangedSupport(CIRCNetwork* pNetwork, bool bState) {}
174  virtual void OnClientChangedSupport(CClient* pClient, bool bState) {}
176  CModule* GetModule() { return m_pModule; }
177  void SetModule(CModule* p) { m_pModule = p; }
179  protected:
180  CModule* m_pModule = nullptr;
181 };
183 class CTimer : public CCron {
184  public:
185  CTimer(CModule* pModule, unsigned int uInterval, unsigned int uCycles,
186  const CString& sLabel, const CString& sDescription);
188  virtual ~CTimer();
190  CTimer(const CTimer&) = delete;
191  CTimer& operator=(const CTimer&) = delete;
193  // Setters
194  void SetModule(CModule* p);
195  void SetDescription(const CString& s);
196  // !Setters
198  // Getters
199  CModule* GetModule() const;
200  const CString& GetDescription() const;
201  // !Getters
202  private:
203  protected:
206 };
208 typedef void (*FPTimer_t)(CModule*, CFPTimer*);
210 class CFPTimer : public CTimer {
211  public:
212  CFPTimer(CModule* pModule, unsigned int uInterval, unsigned int uCycles,
213  const CString& sLabel, const CString& sDescription)
214  : CTimer(pModule, uInterval, uCycles, sLabel, sDescription),
215  m_pFBCallback(nullptr) {}
217  virtual ~CFPTimer() {}
219  void SetFPCallback(FPTimer_t p) { m_pFBCallback = p; }
221  protected:
222  void RunJob() override {
223  if (m_pFBCallback) {
224  m_pFBCallback(m_pModule, this);
225  }
226  }
228  private:
229  FPTimer_t m_pFBCallback;
230 };
232 #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD
235 class CModuleJob : public CJob {
236  public:
237  CModuleJob(CModule* pModule, const CString& sName, const CString& sDesc)
238  : CJob(), m_pModule(pModule), m_sName(sName), m_sDescription(sDesc) {}
239  virtual ~CModuleJob();
241  CModuleJob(const CModuleJob&) = delete;
242  CModuleJob& operator=(const CModuleJob&) = delete;
244  // Getters
245  CModule* GetModule() const { return m_pModule; }
246  const CString& GetName() const { return m_sName; }
247  const CString& GetDescription() const { return m_sDescription; }
248  // !Getters
250  protected:
253  const CString m_sDescription;
254 };
255 #endif
257 typedef void* ModHandle;
259 class CModInfo {
260  public:
263  typedef CModule* (*ModLoader)(ModHandle p, CUser* pUser,
264  CIRCNetwork* pNetwork,
265  const CString& sModName,
266  const CString& sModPath, EModuleType eType);
269  CModInfo(const CString& sName, const CString& sPath, EModuleType eType)
270  : m_seType(),
271  m_eDefaultType(eType),
272  m_sName(sName),
273  m_sPath(sPath),
274  m_sDescription(""),
275  m_sWikiPage(""),
276  m_sArgsHelpText(""),
277  m_bHasArgs(false),
278  m_fLoader(nullptr) {}
279  ~CModInfo() {}
281  bool operator<(const CModInfo& Info) const {
282  return (GetName() < Info.GetName());
283  }
285  bool SupportsType(EModuleType eType) const {
286  return m_seType.find(eType) != m_seType.end();
287  }
289  void AddType(EModuleType eType) { m_seType.insert(eType); }
291  static CString ModuleTypeToString(EModuleType eType) {
292  switch (eType) {
293  case GlobalModule:
294  return "Global";
295  case UserModule:
296  return "User";
297  case NetworkModule:
298  return "Network";
299  default:
300  return "UNKNOWN";
301  }
302  }
304  // Getters
305  const CString& GetName() const { return m_sName; }
306  const CString& GetPath() const { return m_sPath; }
307  const CString& GetDescription() const { return m_sDescription; }
308  const CString& GetWikiPage() const { return m_sWikiPage; }
309  const CString& GetArgsHelpText() const { return m_sArgsHelpText; }
310  bool GetHasArgs() const { return m_bHasArgs; }
311  ModLoader GetLoader() const { return m_fLoader; }
312  EModuleType GetDefaultType() const { return m_eDefaultType; }
313  // !Getters
315  // Setters
316  void SetName(const CString& s) { m_sName = s; }
317  void SetPath(const CString& s) { m_sPath = s; }
318  void SetDescription(const CString& s) { m_sDescription = s; }
319  void SetWikiPage(const CString& s) { m_sWikiPage = s; }
320  void SetArgsHelpText(const CString& s) { m_sArgsHelpText = s; }
321  void SetHasArgs(bool b = false) { m_bHasArgs = b; }
322  void SetLoader(ModLoader fLoader) { m_fLoader = fLoader; }
323  void SetDefaultType(EModuleType eType) { m_eDefaultType = eType; }
324  // !Setters
326  CString t_s(const CString& sEnglish, const CString& sContext = "") const;
328  private:
329  protected:
330  std::set<EModuleType> m_seType;
339 };
341 template <class M>
342 void TModInfo(CModInfo& Info) {}
344 template <class M>
345 CModule* TModLoad(ModHandle p, CUser* pUser, CIRCNetwork* pNetwork,
346  const CString& sModName, const CString& sModPath,
347  CModInfo::EModuleType eType) {
348  return new M(p, pUser, pNetwork, sModName, sModPath, eType);
349 }
352 class CModCommand : private CCoreTranslationMixin {
353  public:
355  typedef void (CModule::*ModCmdFunc)(const CString& sLine);
356  typedef std::function<void(const CString& sLine)> CmdFunc;
359  CModCommand();
367  CModCommand(const CString& sCmd, CModule* pMod, ModCmdFunc func,
368  const CString& sArgs, const CString& sDesc);
369  CModCommand(const CString& sCmd, CmdFunc func,
370  const COptionalTranslation& Args,
371  const COptionalTranslation& Desc);
376  CModCommand(const CModCommand& other) = default;
381  CModCommand& operator=(const CModCommand& other) = default;
386  static void InitHelp(CTable& Table);
392  void AddHelp(CTable& Table) const;
394  const CString& GetCommand() const { return m_sCmd; }
395  CmdFunc GetFunction() const { return m_pFunc; }
396  CString GetArgs() const { return m_Args.Resolve(); }
397  CString GetDescription() const { return m_Desc.Resolve(); }
399  void Call(const CString& sLine) const { m_pFunc(sLine); }
401  private:
402  CString m_sCmd;
403  CmdFunc m_pFunc;
404  COptionalTranslation m_Args;
405  COptionalTranslation m_Desc;
406 };
421 class CModule {
422  public:
423  CModule(
424  ModHandle pDLL, CUser* pUser, CIRCNetwork* pNetwork,
425  const CString& sModName, const CString& sDataDir,
426  CModInfo::EModuleType eType =
427  CModInfo::NetworkModule); // TODO: remove default value in ZNC 2.x
428  virtual ~CModule();
430  CModule(const CModule&) = delete;
431  CModule& operator=(const CModule&) = delete;
437  typedef enum {
441  CONTINUE = 1,
445  HALT = 2,
449  HALTMODS = 3,
455  } EModRet;
457  typedef enum {
462  } EModException;
464  void SetUser(CUser* pUser);
465  void SetNetwork(CIRCNetwork* pNetwork);
466  void SetClient(CClient* pClient);
470  void Unload() { throw UNLOAD; }
478  virtual bool OnLoad(const CString& sArgsi, CString& sMessage);
483  virtual bool OnBoot();
488  virtual bool WebRequiresLogin() { return true; }
492  virtual bool WebRequiresAdmin() { return false; }
496  virtual CString GetWebMenuTitle() { return ""; }
497  virtual CString GetWebPath();
498  virtual CString GetWebFilesPath();
507  virtual bool OnWebPreRequest(CWebSock& WebSock, const CString& sPageName);
517  virtual bool OnWebRequest(CWebSock& WebSock, const CString& sPageName,
518  CTemplate& Tmpl);
524  virtual bool ValidateWebRequestCSRFCheck(CWebSock& WebSock, const CString& sPageName);
528  virtual void AddSubPage(TWebSubPage spSubPage) {
529  m_vSubPages.push_back(spSubPage);
530  }
533  virtual void ClearSubPages() { m_vSubPages.clear(); }
537  virtual VWebSubPages& GetSubPages() { return m_vSubPages; }
547  virtual bool OnEmbeddedWebRequest(CWebSock& WebSock,
548  const CString& sPageName,
549  CTemplate& Tmpl);
552  virtual void OnPreRehash();
554  virtual void OnPostRehash();
556  virtual void OnIRCDisconnected();
558  virtual void OnIRCConnected();
564  virtual EModRet OnIRCConnecting(CIRCSock* pIRCSock);
569  virtual void OnIRCConnectionError(CIRCSock* pIRCSock);
580  virtual EModRet OnIRCRegistration(CString& sPass, CString& sNick,
581  CString& sIdent, CString& sRealName);
586  virtual EModRet OnBroadcast(CString& sMessage);
599  virtual void OnChanPermission3(const CNick* pOpNick, const CNick& Nick,
600  CChan& Channel, char cMode,
601  bool bAdded, bool bNoChange);
603  virtual void OnChanPermission2(const CNick* pOpNick, const CNick& Nick,
604  CChan& Channel, unsigned char uMode,
605  bool bAdded, bool bNoChange);
607  virtual void OnChanPermission(const CNick& OpNick, const CNick& Nick,
608  CChan& Channel, unsigned char uMode,
609  bool bAdded, bool bNoChange);
611  virtual void OnOp2(const CNick* pOpNick, const CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel,
612  bool bNoChange);
613  virtual void OnOp(const CNick& OpNick, const CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel,
614  bool bNoChange);
616  virtual void OnDeop2(const CNick* pOpNick, const CNick& Nick,
617  CChan& Channel, bool bNoChange);
618  virtual void OnDeop(const CNick& OpNick, const CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel,
619  bool bNoChange);
621  virtual void OnVoice2(const CNick* pOpNick, const CNick& Nick,
622  CChan& Channel, bool bNoChange);
623  virtual void OnVoice(const CNick& OpNick, const CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel,
624  bool bNoChange);
626  virtual void OnDevoice2(const CNick* pOpNick, const CNick& Nick,
627  CChan& Channel, bool bNoChange);
628  virtual void OnDevoice(const CNick& OpNick, const CNick& Nick,
629  CChan& Channel, bool bNoChange);
638  virtual void OnMode2(const CNick* pOpNick, CChan& Channel, char uMode,
639  const CString& sArg, bool bAdded, bool bNoChange);
640  virtual void OnMode(const CNick& OpNick, CChan& Channel, char uMode,
641  const CString& sArg, bool bAdded, bool bNoChange);
649  virtual void OnRawMode2(const CNick* pOpNick, CChan& Channel,
650  const CString& sModes, const CString& sArgs);
651  virtual void OnRawMode(const CNick& OpNick, CChan& Channel,
652  const CString& sModes, const CString& sArgs);
659  virtual EModRet OnRaw(CString& sLine);
665  virtual EModRet OnRawMessage(CMessage& Message);
672  virtual EModRet OnNumericMessage(CNumericMessage& Message);
678  virtual EModRet OnStatusCommand(CString& sCommand);
682  virtual void OnModCommand(const CString& sCommand);
689  virtual void OnUnknownModCommand(const CString& sCommand);
693  virtual void OnModNotice(const CString& sMessage);
698  virtual void OnModCTCP(const CString& sMessage);
705  virtual void OnQuitMessage(CQuitMessage& Message,
706  const std::vector<CChan*>& vChans);
708  virtual void OnQuit(const CNick& Nick, const CString& sMessage,
709  const std::vector<CChan*>& vChans);
716  virtual void OnNickMessage(CNickMessage& Message,
717  const std::vector<CChan*>& vChans);
719  virtual void OnNick(const CNick& Nick, const CString& sNewNick,
720  const std::vector<CChan*>& vChans);
726  virtual void OnKickMessage(CKickMessage& Message);
728  virtual void OnKick(const CNick& OpNick, const CString& sKickedNick,
729  CChan& Channel, const CString& sMessage);
735  virtual EModRet OnJoining(CChan& Channel);
741  virtual void OnJoinMessage(CJoinMessage& Message);
743  virtual void OnJoin(const CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel);
749  virtual void OnPartMessage(CPartMessage& Message);
751  virtual void OnPart(const CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel,
752  const CString& sMessage);
760  virtual EModRet OnInvite(const CNick& Nick, const CString& sChan);
767  virtual EModRet OnChanBufferStarting(CChan& Chan, CClient& Client);
773  virtual EModRet OnChanBufferEnding(CChan& Chan, CClient& Client);
780  virtual EModRet OnChanBufferPlayMessage(CMessage& Message);
782  virtual EModRet OnChanBufferPlayLine2(CChan& Chan, CClient& Client,
783  CString& sLine, const timeval& tv);
785  virtual EModRet OnChanBufferPlayLine(CChan& Chan, CClient& Client,
786  CString& sLine);
794  virtual EModRet OnPrivBufferStarting(CQuery& Query, CClient& Client);
801  virtual EModRet OnPrivBufferEnding(CQuery& Query, CClient& Client);
808  virtual EModRet OnPrivBufferPlayMessage(CMessage& Message);
810  virtual EModRet OnPrivBufferPlayLine2(CClient& Client, CString& sLine,
811  const timeval& tv);
813  virtual EModRet OnPrivBufferPlayLine(CClient& Client, CString& sLine);
816  virtual void OnClientLogin();
818  virtual void OnClientDisconnect();
824  virtual EModRet OnUserRaw(CString& sLine);
830  virtual EModRet OnUserRawMessage(CMessage& Message);
837  virtual EModRet OnUserCTCPReplyMessage(CCTCPMessage& Message);
839  virtual EModRet OnUserCTCPReply(CString& sTarget, CString& sMessage);
848  virtual EModRet OnUserCTCPMessage(CCTCPMessage& Message);
850  virtual EModRet OnUserCTCP(CString& sTarget, CString& sMessage);
858  virtual EModRet OnUserActionMessage(CActionMessage& Message);
860  virtual EModRet OnUserAction(CString& sTarget, CString& sMessage);
867  virtual EModRet OnUserTextMessage(CTextMessage& Message);
869  virtual EModRet OnUserMsg(CString& sTarget, CString& sMessage);
876  virtual EModRet OnUserNoticeMessage(CNoticeMessage& Message);
878  virtual EModRet OnUserNotice(CString& sTarget, CString& sMessage);
885  virtual EModRet OnUserJoinMessage(CJoinMessage& Message);
887  virtual EModRet OnUserJoin(CString& sChannel, CString& sKey);
894  virtual EModRet OnUserPartMessage(CPartMessage& Message);
896  virtual EModRet OnUserPart(CString& sChannel, CString& sMessage);
903  virtual EModRet OnUserTopicMessage(CTopicMessage& Message);
905  virtual EModRet OnUserTopic(CString& sChannel, CString& sTopic);
911  virtual EModRet OnUserTopicRequest(CString& sChannel);
918  virtual EModRet OnUserQuitMessage(CQuitMessage& Message);
920  virtual EModRet OnUserQuit(CString& sMessage);
927  virtual EModRet OnCTCPReplyMessage(CCTCPMessage& Message);
929  virtual EModRet OnCTCPReply(CNick& Nick, CString& sMessage);
936  virtual EModRet OnPrivCTCPMessage(CCTCPMessage& Message);
938  virtual EModRet OnPrivCTCP(CNick& Nick, CString& sMessage);
945  virtual EModRet OnChanCTCPMessage(CCTCPMessage& Message);
947  virtual EModRet OnChanCTCP(CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel, CString& sMessage);
954  virtual EModRet OnPrivActionMessage(CActionMessage& Message);
956  virtual EModRet OnPrivAction(CNick& Nick, CString& sMessage);
963  virtual EModRet OnChanActionMessage(CActionMessage& Message);
965  virtual EModRet OnChanAction(CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel,
966  CString& sMessage);
973  virtual EModRet OnPrivTextMessage(CTextMessage& Message);
975  virtual EModRet OnPrivMsg(CNick& Nick, CString& sMessage);
982  virtual EModRet OnChanTextMessage(CTextMessage& Message);
984  virtual EModRet OnChanMsg(CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel, CString& sMessage);
991  virtual EModRet OnPrivNoticeMessage(CNoticeMessage& Message);
993  virtual EModRet OnPrivNotice(CNick& Nick, CString& sMessage);
1000  virtual EModRet OnChanNoticeMessage(CNoticeMessage& Message);
1002  virtual EModRet OnChanNotice(CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel,
1003  CString& sMessage);
1010  virtual EModRet OnTopicMessage(CTopicMessage& Message);
1012  virtual EModRet OnTopic(CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel, CString& sTopic);
1021  virtual bool OnServerCapAvailable(const CString& sCap);
1032  virtual bool OnServerCap302Available(const CString& sCap, const CString& sValue);
1040  virtual void OnServerCapResult(const CString& sCap, bool bSuccess);
1047  virtual EModRet OnTimerAutoJoin(CChan& Channel);
1055  virtual EModRet OnAddNetwork(CIRCNetwork& Network, CString& sErrorRet);
1060  virtual EModRet OnDeleteNetwork(CIRCNetwork& Network);
1068  virtual EModRet OnSendToClientMessage(CMessage& Message);
1070  virtual EModRet OnSendToClient(CString& sLine, CClient& Client);
1078  virtual EModRet OnSendToIRCMessage(CMessage& Message);
1080  virtual EModRet OnSendToIRC(CString& sLine);
1082  ModHandle GetDLL() { return m_pDLL; }
1089  virtual bool PutIRC(const CString& sLine);
1095  virtual bool PutIRC(const CMessage& Message);
1103  virtual bool PutUser(const CString& sLine);
1110  virtual bool PutStatus(const CString& sLine);
1117  virtual bool PutModule(const CString& sLine);
1123  virtual unsigned int PutModule(const CTable& table);
1130  virtual bool PutModNotice(const CString& sLine);
1133  const CString& GetModName() const { return m_sModName; }
1138  CString GetModNick() const;
1144  const CString& GetModDataDir() const { return m_sDataDir; }
1146  // Timer stuff
1147  bool AddTimer(CTimer* pTimer);
1148  bool AddTimer(FPTimer_t pFBCallback, const CString& sLabel, u_int uInterval,
1149  u_int uCycles = 0, const CString& sDescription = "");
1150  bool RemTimer(CTimer* pTimer);
1151  bool RemTimer(const CString& sLabel);
1152  bool UnlinkTimer(CTimer* pTimer);
1153  CTimer* FindTimer(const CString& sLabel);
1154  std::set<CTimer*>::const_iterator BeginTimers() const {
1155  return m_sTimers.begin();
1156  }
1157  std::set<CTimer*>::const_iterator EndTimers() const {
1158  return m_sTimers.end();
1159  }
1160  virtual void ListTimers();
1161  // !Timer stuff
1163  // Socket stuff
1164  bool AddSocket(CSocket* pSocket);
1165  bool RemSocket(CSocket* pSocket);
1166  bool RemSocket(const CString& sSockName);
1167  bool UnlinkSocket(CSocket* pSocket);
1168  CSocket* FindSocket(const CString& sSockName);
1169  std::set<CSocket*>::const_iterator BeginSockets() const {
1170  return m_sSockets.begin();
1171  }
1172  std::set<CSocket*>::const_iterator EndSockets() const {
1173  return m_sSockets.end();
1174  }
1175  virtual void ListSockets();
1176 // !Socket stuff
1178 #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD
1179  // Job stuff
1180  void AddJob(CModuleJob* pJob);
1181  void CancelJob(CModuleJob* pJob);
1182  bool CancelJob(const CString& sJobName);
1183  void CancelJobs(const std::set<CModuleJob*>& sJobs);
1184  bool UnlinkJob(CModuleJob* pJob);
1185 // !Job stuff
1186 #endif
1188  // Command stuff
1190  void AddHelpCommand();
1192  bool AddCommand(const CModCommand& Command);
1195  bool AddCommand(const CString& sCmd, CModCommand::ModCmdFunc func,
1196  const CString& sArgs = "", const CString& sDesc = "");
1199  bool AddCommand(const CString& sCmd, const COptionalTranslation& Args,
1200  const COptionalTranslation& Desc,
1201  std::function<void(const CString& sLine)> func);
1203  bool RemCommand(const CString& sCmd);
1205  const CModCommand* FindCommand(const CString& sCmd) const;
1213  bool HandleCommand(const CString& sLine);
1217  void HandleHelpCommand(const CString& sLine = "");
1218  // !Command stuff
1221  bool SaveRegistry() const;
1222  bool MoveRegistry(const CString& sPath);
1223  bool SetNV(const CString& sName, const CString& sValue,
1224  bool bWriteToDisk = true);
1225  CString GetNV(const CString& sName) const;
1226  bool HasNV(const CString& sName) const {
1227  return m_mssRegistry.find(sName) != m_mssRegistry.end();
1228  }
1229  bool DelNV(const CString& sName, bool bWriteToDisk = true);
1230  MCString::iterator FindNV(const CString& sName) {
1231  return m_mssRegistry.find(sName);
1232  }
1233  MCString::iterator EndNV() { return m_mssRegistry.end(); }
1234  MCString::iterator BeginNV() { return m_mssRegistry.begin(); }
1235  void DelNV(MCString::iterator it) { m_mssRegistry.erase(it); }
1236  bool ClearNV(bool bWriteToDisk = true);
1238  const CString& GetSavePath() const;
1239  CString ExpandString(const CString& sStr) const;
1240  CString& ExpandString(const CString& sStr, CString& sRet) const;
1242  // Setters
1243  void SetType(CModInfo::EModuleType eType) { m_eType = eType; }
1244  void SetDescription(const CString& s) { m_sDescription = s; }
1245  void SetModPath(const CString& s) { m_sModPath = s; }
1246  void SetArgs(const CString& s) { m_sArgs = s; }
1247  // !Setters
1249  // Getters
1251  const CString& GetDescription() const { return m_sDescription; }
1252  const CString& GetArgs() const { return m_sArgs; }
1253  const CString& GetModPath() const { return m_sModPath; }
1260  CUser* GetUser() const { return m_pUser; }
1264  CIRCNetwork* GetNetwork() const { return m_pNetwork; }
1268  CClient* GetClient() const { return m_pClient; }
1269  CSockManager* GetManager() const { return m_pManager; }
1270  // !Getters
1272  // Global Modules
1279  virtual EModRet OnAddUser(CUser& User, CString& sErrorRet);
1284  virtual EModRet OnDeleteUser(CUser& User);
1291  virtual void OnClientConnect(CZNCSock* pSock, const CString& sHost,
1292  unsigned short uPort);
1299  virtual EModRet OnLoginAttempt(std::shared_ptr<CAuthBase> Auth);
1304  virtual void OnFailedLogin(const CString& sUsername,
1305  const CString& sRemoteIP);
1312  virtual EModRet OnUnknownUserRaw(CClient* pClient, CString& sLine);
1313  virtual EModRet OnUnknownUserRawMessage(CMessage& Message);
1316  virtual void OnClientAttached();
1318  virtual void OnClientDetached();
1320 #ifndef SWIG
1334  void AddServerDependentCapability(const CString& sName, std::unique_ptr<CCapability> pCap);
1335 #endif
1344  virtual void OnClientCapLs(CClient* pClient, SCString& ssCaps);
1351  virtual bool IsClientCapSupported(CClient* pClient, const CString& sCap,
1352  bool bState);
1364  virtual void OnClientCapRequest(CClient* pClient, const CString& sCap,
1365  bool bState);
1376  virtual EModRet OnModuleLoading(const CString& sModName,
1377  const CString& sArgs,
1378  CModInfo::EModuleType eType, bool& bSuccess,
1379  CString& sRetMsg);
1387  virtual EModRet OnModuleUnloading(CModule* pModule, bool& bSuccess,
1388  CString& sRetMsg);
1396  virtual EModRet OnGetModInfo(CModInfo& ModInfo, const CString& sModule,
1397  bool& bSuccess, CString& sRetMsg);
1402  virtual void OnGetAvailableMods(std::set<CModInfo>& ssMods,
1403  CModInfo::EModuleType eType);
1404  // !Global Modules
1406 #ifndef SWIG
1407  // Translation
1408  CString t_s(const CString& sEnglish, const CString& sContext = "") const;
1409  CInlineFormatMessage t_f(const CString& sEnglish,
1410  const CString& sContext = "") const;
1411  CInlineFormatMessage t_p(const CString& sEnglish, const CString& sEnglishes,
1412  int iNum, const CString& sContext = "") const;
1413  CDelayedTranslation t_d(const CString& sEnglish,
1414  const CString& sContext = "") const;
1415 #endif
1417  // Default implementations of several callbacks to make
1418  // AddServerDependentCapability work in modpython/modperl.
1419  // Don't worry about existence of these functions.
1421  const CString& sCap, const CString& sValue);
1423  bool bSuccess);
1425  SCString& ssCaps);
1427  const CString& sCap,
1428  bool bState);
1430  const CString& sCap,
1431  bool bState);
1437  protected:
1440  std::set<CTimer*> m_sTimers;
1441  std::set<CSocket*> m_sSockets;
1442 #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD
1443  std::set<CModuleJob*> m_sJobs;
1444 #endif
1456  std::map<CString, std::unique_ptr<CCapability>> m_mServerDependentCaps;
1458  private:
1459  MCString
1460  m_mssRegistry;
1461  VWebSubPages m_vSubPages;
1462  std::map<CString, CModCommand> m_mCommands;
1463 };
1465 class CModules : public std::vector<CModule*>, private CCoreTranslationMixin {
1466  public:
1468  ~CModules();
1470  CModules(const CModules&) = default;
1471  CModules& operator=(const CModules&) = default;
1473  void SetUser(CUser* pUser) { m_pUser = pUser; }
1474  void SetNetwork(CIRCNetwork* pNetwork) { m_pNetwork = pNetwork; }
1475  void SetClient(CClient* pClient) { m_pClient = pClient; }
1476  CUser* GetUser() const { return m_pUser; }
1477  CIRCNetwork* GetNetwork() const { return m_pNetwork; }
1478  CClient* GetClient() const { return m_pClient; }
1480  void UnloadAll();
1482  bool OnBoot();
1483  bool OnPreRehash();
1487  bool OnIRCConnecting(CIRCSock* pIRCSock);
1489  bool OnIRCRegistration(CString& sPass, CString& sNick, CString& sIdent,
1490  CString& sRealName);
1491  bool OnBroadcast(CString& sMessage);
1493  bool OnChanPermission3(const CNick* pOpNick, const CNick& Nick,
1494  CChan& Channel, char cMode, bool bAdded,
1495  bool bNoChange);
1496  bool OnChanPermission2(const CNick* pOpNick, const CNick& Nick,
1497  CChan& Channel, unsigned char uMode, bool bAdded,
1498  bool bNoChange);
1499  bool OnChanPermission(const CNick& OpNick, const CNick& Nick,
1500  CChan& Channel, unsigned char uMode, bool bAdded,
1501  bool bNoChange);
1502  bool OnOp2(const CNick* pOpNick, const CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel,
1503  bool bNoChange);
1504  bool OnOp(const CNick& OpNick, const CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel,
1505  bool bNoChange);
1506  bool OnDeop2(const CNick* pOpNick, const CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel,
1507  bool bNoChange);
1508  bool OnDeop(const CNick& OpNick, const CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel,
1509  bool bNoChange);
1510  bool OnVoice2(const CNick* pOpNick, const CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel,
1511  bool bNoChange);
1512  bool OnVoice(const CNick& OpNick, const CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel,
1513  bool bNoChange);
1514  bool OnDevoice2(const CNick* pOpNick, const CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel,
1515  bool bNoChange);
1516  bool OnDevoice(const CNick& OpNick, const CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel,
1517  bool bNoChange);
1518  bool OnRawMode2(const CNick* pOpNick, CChan& Channel, const CString& sModes,
1519  const CString& sArgs);
1520  bool OnRawMode(const CNick& OpNick, CChan& Channel, const CString& sModes,
1521  const CString& sArgs);
1522  bool OnMode2(const CNick* pOpNick, CChan& Channel, char uMode,
1523  const CString& sArg, bool bAdded, bool bNoChange);
1524  bool OnMode(const CNick& OpNick, CChan& Channel, char uMode,
1525  const CString& sArg, bool bAdded, bool bNoChange);
1527  bool OnRaw(CString& sLine);
1528  bool OnRawMessage(CMessage& Message);
1529  bool OnNumericMessage(CNumericMessage& Message);
1531  bool OnStatusCommand(CString& sCommand);
1532  bool OnModCommand(const CString& sCommand);
1533  bool OnModNotice(const CString& sMessage);
1534  bool OnModCTCP(const CString& sMessage);
1536  bool OnQuit(const CNick& Nick, const CString& sMessage,
1537  const std::vector<CChan*>& vChans);
1538  bool OnQuitMessage(CQuitMessage& Message,
1539  const std::vector<CChan*>& vChans);
1540  bool OnNick(const CNick& Nick, const CString& sNewNick,
1541  const std::vector<CChan*>& vChans);
1542  bool OnNickMessage(CNickMessage& Message,
1543  const std::vector<CChan*>& vChans);
1544  bool OnKick(const CNick& Nick, const CString& sOpNick, CChan& Channel,
1545  const CString& sMessage);
1546  bool OnKickMessage(CKickMessage& Message);
1547  bool OnJoining(CChan& Channel);
1548  bool OnJoin(const CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel);
1549  bool OnJoinMessage(CJoinMessage& Message);
1550  bool OnPart(const CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel, const CString& sMessage);
1551  bool OnPartMessage(CPartMessage& Message);
1552  bool OnInvite(const CNick& Nick, const CString& sChan);
1554  bool OnChanBufferStarting(CChan& Chan, CClient& Client);
1555  bool OnChanBufferEnding(CChan& Chan, CClient& Client);
1556  bool OnChanBufferPlayLine2(CChan& Chan, CClient& Client, CString& sLine,
1557  const timeval& tv);
1558  bool OnChanBufferPlayLine(CChan& Chan, CClient& Client, CString& sLine);
1559  bool OnPrivBufferStarting(CQuery& Query, CClient& Client);
1560  bool OnPrivBufferEnding(CQuery& Query, CClient& Client);
1561  bool OnPrivBufferPlayLine2(CClient& Client, CString& sLine,
1562  const timeval& tv);
1563  bool OnPrivBufferPlayLine(CClient& Client, CString& sLine);
1565  bool OnPrivBufferPlayMessage(CMessage& Message);
1569  bool OnUserRaw(CString& sLine);
1570  bool OnUserRawMessage(CMessage& Message);
1571  bool OnUserCTCPReply(CString& sTarget, CString& sMessage);
1573  bool OnUserCTCP(CString& sTarget, CString& sMessage);
1575  bool OnUserAction(CString& sTarget, CString& sMessage);
1577  bool OnUserMsg(CString& sTarget, CString& sMessage);
1579  bool OnUserNotice(CString& sTarget, CString& sMessage);
1581  bool OnUserJoin(CString& sChannel, CString& sKey);
1583  bool OnUserPart(CString& sChannel, CString& sMessage);
1585  bool OnUserTopic(CString& sChannel, CString& sTopic);
1587  bool OnUserTopicRequest(CString& sChannel);
1588  bool OnUserQuit(CString& sMessage);
1589  bool OnUserQuitMessage(CQuitMessage& Message);
1591  bool OnCTCPReply(CNick& Nick, CString& sMessage);
1593  bool OnPrivCTCP(CNick& Nick, CString& sMessage);
1595  bool OnChanCTCP(CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel, CString& sMessage);
1597  bool OnPrivAction(CNick& Nick, CString& sMessage);
1599  bool OnChanAction(CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel, CString& sMessage);
1601  bool OnPrivMsg(CNick& Nick, CString& sMessage);
1603  bool OnChanMsg(CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel, CString& sMessage);
1605  bool OnPrivNotice(CNick& Nick, CString& sMessage);
1607  bool OnChanNotice(CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel, CString& sMessage);
1609  bool OnTopic(CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel, CString& sTopic);
1611  bool OnTimerAutoJoin(CChan& Channel);
1613  bool OnAddNetwork(CIRCNetwork& Network, CString& sErrorRet);
1614  bool OnDeleteNetwork(CIRCNetwork& Network);
1616  bool OnSendToClient(CString& sLine, CClient& Client);
1618  bool OnSendToIRC(CString& sLine);
1621  bool OnClientDetached();
1623  bool OnServerCapAvailable(const CString& sCap, const CString& sValue);
1624  bool OnServerCapResult(const CString& sCap, bool bSuccess);
1626  CModule* FindModule(const CString& sModule) const;
1627  bool LoadModule(const CString& sModule, const CString& sArgs,
1628  CModInfo::EModuleType eType, CUser* pUser,
1629  CIRCNetwork* pNetwork, CString& sRetMsg);
1630  bool UnloadModule(const CString& sModule);
1631  bool UnloadModule(const CString& sModule, CString& sRetMsg);
1632  bool ReloadModule(const CString& sModule, const CString& sArgs,
1633  CUser* pUser, CIRCNetwork* pNetwork, CString& sRetMsg);
1635  static bool GetModInfo(CModInfo& ModInfo, const CString& sModule,
1636  CString& sRetMsg);
1637  static bool GetModPathInfo(CModInfo& ModInfo, const CString& sModule,
1638  const CString& sModPath, CString& sRetMsg);
1639  static void GetAvailableMods(
1640  std::set<CModInfo>& ssMods,
1642  static void GetDefaultMods(
1643  std::set<CModInfo>& ssMods,
1646  // This returns the path to the .so and to the data dir
1647  // which is where static data (webadmin skins) are saved
1648  static bool FindModPath(const CString& sModule, CString& sModPath,
1649  CString& sDataPath);
1650  // Return a list of <module dir, data dir> pairs for directories in
1651  // which modules can be found.
1652  typedef std::queue<std::pair<CString, CString>> ModDirList;
1653  static ModDirList GetModDirs();
1655  // Global Modules
1656  bool OnAddUser(CUser& User, CString& sErrorRet);
1657  bool OnDeleteUser(CUser& User);
1658  bool OnClientConnect(CZNCSock* pSock, const CString& sHost,
1659  unsigned short uPort);
1660  bool OnLoginAttempt(std::shared_ptr<CAuthBase> Auth);
1661  bool OnFailedLogin(const CString& sUsername, const CString& sRemoteIP);
1662  bool OnUnknownUserRaw(CClient* pClient, CString& sLine);
1664  bool OnClientCapLs(CClient* pClient, SCString& ssCaps);
1665  bool IsClientCapSupported(CClient* pClient, const CString& sCap,
1666  bool bState);
1667  bool OnClientCapRequest(CClient* pClient, const CString& sCap, bool bState);
1668  bool OnModuleLoading(const CString& sModName, const CString& sArgs,
1669  CModInfo::EModuleType eType, bool& bSuccess,
1670  CString& sRetMsg);
1671  bool OnModuleUnloading(CModule* pModule, bool& bSuccess, CString& sRetMsg);
1672  bool OnGetModInfo(CModInfo& ModInfo, const CString& sModule, bool& bSuccess,
1673  CString& sRetMsg);
1674  bool OnGetAvailableMods(std::set<CModInfo>& ssMods,
1675  CModInfo::EModuleType eType);
1676  // !Global Modules
1678  private:
1679  static ModHandle OpenModule(const CString& sModule, const CString& sModPath,
1680  CModInfo& Info, CString& sRetMsg);
1681  static bool ValidateModuleName(const CString& sModule, CString& sRetMsg);
1683  protected:
1686  CClient* m_pClient;
1687 };
1689 #endif // !ZNC_MODULES_H
void * ModHandle
Definition: Modules.h:256
void TModInfo(CModInfo &Info)
Definition: Modules.h:341
CModule * TModLoad(ModHandle p, CUser *pUser, CIRCNetwork *pNetwork, const CString &sModName, const CString &sModPath, CModInfo::EModuleType eType)
Definition: Modules.h:344
void(* FPTimer_t)(CModule *, CFPTimer *)
Definition: Modules.h:207
std::vector< TWebSubPage > VWebSubPages
Definition: WebModules.h:33
std::shared_ptr< CWebSubPage > TWebSubPage
Definition: WebModules.h:30
std::set< CString > SCString
Definition: ZNCString.h:35
Definition: Message.h:229
Definition: Client.h:38
Definition: Message.h:240
Definition: Modules.h:169
CModule * m_pModule
Definition: Modules.h:179
virtual void OnClientChangedSupport(CClient *pClient, bool bState)
Definition: Modules.h:173
CModule * GetModule()
Definition: Modules.h:175
virtual void OnServerChangedSupport(CIRCNetwork *pNetwork, bool bState)
Definition: Modules.h:172
void SetModule(CModule *p)
Definition: Modules.h:176
virtual ~CCapability()=default
Definition: Chan.h:35
Definition: Client.h:99
Definition: Translation.h:103
this is the main cron job class
Definition: Csocket.h:393
Definition: Translation.h:71
Definition: Modules.h:209
CFPTimer(CModule *pModule, unsigned int uInterval, unsigned int uCycles, const CString &sLabel, const CString &sDescription)
Definition: Modules.h:211
virtual ~CFPTimer()
Definition: Modules.h:216
void SetFPCallback(FPTimer_t p)
Definition: Modules.h:218
void RunJob() override
this is the method you should override
Definition: Modules.h:221
Definition: IRCNetwork.h:40
Definition: IRCSock.h:35
Definition: ZNCString.h:673
A job is a task which should run without blocking the main thread.
Definition: Threads.h:67
Definition: Message.h:250
Definition: Message.h:291
Here is a small explanation of how messages on IRC work, and how you can use this class to get useful...
Definition: Message.h:57
A helper class for handling commands in modules.
Definition: Modules.h:351
CString GetDescription() const
Definition: Modules.h:396
CModCommand & operator=(const CModCommand &other)=default
Assignment operator, needed so that this can be saved in a std::map.
void AddHelp(CTable &Table) const
Add this command to the CTable instance.
static void InitHelp(CTable &Table)
Initialize a CTable so that it can be used with AddHelp().
void(CModule::* ModCmdFunc)(const CString &sLine)
Type for the callback function that handles the actual command.
Definition: Modules.h:354
Default constructor, needed so that this can be saved in a std::map.
CmdFunc GetFunction() const
Definition: Modules.h:394
void Call(const CString &sLine) const
Definition: Modules.h:398
std::function< void(const CString &sLine)> CmdFunc
Definition: Modules.h:355
const CString & GetCommand() const
Definition: Modules.h:393
CString GetArgs() const
Definition: Modules.h:395
Definition: Modules.h:258
void SetName(const CString &s)
Definition: Modules.h:315
void SetHasArgs(bool b=false)
Definition: Modules.h:320
CModule *(* ModLoader)(ModHandle p, CUser *pUser, CIRCNetwork *pNetwork, const CString &sModName, const CString &sModPath, EModuleType eType)
Definition: Modules.h:262
CString m_sWikiPage
Definition: Modules.h:334
void SetArgsHelpText(const CString &s)
Definition: Modules.h:319
bool m_bHasArgs
Definition: Modules.h:336
void SetLoader(ModLoader fLoader)
Definition: Modules.h:321
const CString & GetName() const
Definition: Modules.h:304
EModuleType m_eDefaultType
Definition: Modules.h:330
Definition: Modules.h:260
@ NetworkModule
Definition: Modules.h:260
@ UserModule
Definition: Modules.h:260
@ GlobalModule
Definition: Modules.h:260
const CString & GetDescription() const
Definition: Modules.h:306
CString t_s(const CString &sEnglish, const CString &sContext="") const
CString m_sName
Definition: Modules.h:331
bool operator<(const CModInfo &Info) const
Definition: Modules.h:280
static CString ModuleTypeToString(EModuleType eType)
Definition: Modules.h:290
bool GetHasArgs() const
Definition: Modules.h:309
bool SupportsType(EModuleType eType) const
Definition: Modules.h:284
Definition: Modules.h:278
void SetPath(const CString &s)
Definition: Modules.h:316
const CString & GetPath() const
Definition: Modules.h:305
CString m_sDescription
Definition: Modules.h:333
void SetWikiPage(const CString &s)
Definition: Modules.h:318
std::set< EModuleType > m_seType
Definition: Modules.h:329
void AddType(EModuleType eType)
Definition: Modules.h:288
const CString & GetWikiPage() const
Definition: Modules.h:307
CModInfo(const CString &sName, const CString &sPath, EModuleType eType)
Definition: Modules.h:268
CString m_sArgsHelpText
Definition: Modules.h:335
ModLoader m_fLoader
Definition: Modules.h:337
ModLoader GetLoader() const
Definition: Modules.h:310
void SetDefaultType(EModuleType eType)
Definition: Modules.h:322
EModuleType GetDefaultType() const
Definition: Modules.h:311
const CString & GetArgsHelpText() const
Definition: Modules.h:308
CString m_sPath
Definition: Modules.h:332
Definition: Modules.h:267
void SetDescription(const CString &s)
Definition: Modules.h:317
A CJob version which can be safely used in modules.
Definition: Modules.h:234
virtual ~CModuleJob()
const CString & GetDescription() const
Definition: Modules.h:246
const CString m_sDescription
Definition: Modules.h:252
const CString m_sName
Definition: Modules.h:251
const CString & GetName() const
Definition: Modules.h:245
CModule * m_pModule
Definition: Modules.h:250
CModule * GetModule() const
Definition: Modules.h:244
CModuleJob(CModule *pModule, const CString &sName, const CString &sDesc)
Definition: Modules.h:236
CModuleJob & operator=(const CModuleJob &)=delete
The base class for your own ZNC modules.
Definition: Modules.h:420
std::map< CString, std::unique_ptr< CCapability > > m_mServerDependentCaps
Definition: Modules.h:1455
virtual EModRet OnIRCConnecting(CIRCSock *pIRCSock)
This module hook is called just before ZNC tries to establish a connection to an IRC server.
virtual void OnDevoice(const CNick &OpNick, const CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, bool bNoChange)
virtual void OnDeop2(const CNick *pOpNick, const CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, bool bNoChange)
Called when a nick is deopped on a channel.
bool UnlinkSocket(CSocket *pSocket)
virtual EModRet OnDeleteNetwork(CIRCNetwork &Network)
This module hook is called when a network is deleted.
bool AddTimer(FPTimer_t pFBCallback, const CString &sLabel, u_int uInterval, u_int uCycles=0, const CString &sDescription="")
virtual EModRet OnUserQuit(CString &sMessage)
CString m_sDescription
Definition: Modules.h:1438
virtual void OnVoice2(const CNick *pOpNick, const CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, bool bNoChange)
Called when a nick is voiced on a channel.
void SetType(CModInfo::EModuleType eType)
Definition: Modules.h:1242
virtual EModRet OnBroadcast(CString &sMessage)
This module hook is called when a message is broadcasted to all users.
const CString & GetModName() const
Definition: Modules.h:1132
std::set< CTimer * >::const_iterator BeginTimers() const
Definition: Modules.h:1153
virtual EModRet OnTopicMessage(CTopicMessage &Message)
Called when we receive a channel topic change from IRC.
This enum is just used for return from module hooks.
Definition: Modules.h:436
Continue calling other modules.
Definition: Modules.h:453
This is the same as both CModule::HALTMODS and CModule::HALTCORE together.
Definition: Modules.h:444
ZNC will continue event processing normally.
Definition: Modules.h:440
Stop sending this even to other modules which were not called yet.
Definition: Modules.h:448
bool MoveRegistry(const CString &sPath)
std::set< CTimer * > m_sTimers
Definition: Modules.h:1439
virtual CString GetWebMenuTitle()
Return the title of the module's section in the web interface's side bar.
Definition: Modules.h:495
void CancelJob(CModuleJob *pJob)
virtual void OnMode2(const CNick *pOpNick, CChan &Channel, char uMode, const CString &sArg, bool bAdded, bool bNoChange)
Called on an individual channel mode change.
bool LoadRegistry()
std::set< CTimer * >::const_iterator EndTimers() const
Definition: Modules.h:1156
virtual EModRet OnUserActionMessage(CActionMessage &Message)
Called when a client sends a CTCP ACTION request ("/me").
virtual EModRet OnChanBufferStarting(CChan &Chan, CClient &Client)
Called before a channel buffer is played back to a client.
CSockManager * GetManager() const
Definition: Modules.h:1268
CString m_sArgs
Definition: Modules.h:1452
void InternalServerDependentCapsOnIRCConnected()
virtual void OnChanPermission(const CNick &OpNick, const CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, unsigned char uMode, bool bAdded, bool bNoChange)
CIRCNetwork * GetNetwork() const
Definition: Modules.h:1263
virtual EModRet OnPrivTextMessage(CTextMessage &Message)
Called when we receive a private PRIVMSG message from IRC.
virtual EModRet OnUserQuitMessage(CQuitMessage &Message)
This module hook is called when a client quits ZNC.
virtual EModRet OnUserJoinMessage(CJoinMessage &Message)
This hooks is called when a user sends a JOIN message.
virtual void OnJoin(const CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel)
virtual EModRet OnGetModInfo(CModInfo &ModInfo, const CString &sModule, bool &bSuccess, CString &sRetMsg)
Called when info about a module is needed.
void InternalServerDependentCapsOnIRCDisconnected()
virtual void OnMode(const CNick &OpNick, CChan &Channel, char uMode, const CString &sArg, bool bAdded, bool bNoChange)
virtual void ListTimers()
virtual void OnClientDetached()
Called upon disconnect, and also during JumpNetwork.
virtual EModRet OnModuleUnloading(CModule *pModule, bool &bSuccess, CString &sRetMsg)
Called when a module is going to be unloaded.
const CString & GetModDataDir() const
Get the module's data dir.
Definition: Modules.h:1143
virtual void OnRawMode2(const CNick *pOpNick, CChan &Channel, const CString &sModes, const CString &sArgs)
Called on any channel mode change.
virtual EModRet OnPrivBufferStarting(CQuery &Query, CClient &Client)
Called before a query buffer is played back to a client.
ModHandle GetDLL()
Definition: Modules.h:1081
CUser * m_pUser
Definition: Modules.h:1446
virtual EModRet OnTimerAutoJoin(CChan &Channel)
This module hook is called just before ZNC tries to join a channel by itself because it's in the conf...
bool SaveRegistry() const
CModule & operator=(const CModule &)=delete
virtual EModRet OnChanActionMessage(CActionMessage &Message)
Called when we receive a channel CTCP ACTION ("/me" in a channel) from IRC.
std::set< CSocket * > m_sSockets
Definition: Modules.h:1440
virtual void OnRawMode(const CNick &OpNick, CChan &Channel, const CString &sModes, const CString &sArgs)
virtual bool OnBoot()
This module hook is called during ZNC startup.
virtual bool WebRequiresLogin()
Modules which can only be used with an active user session have to return true here.
Definition: Modules.h:487
virtual EModRet OnJoining(CChan &Channel)
This module hook is called just before ZNC tries to join an IRC channel.
bool InternalServerDependentCapsIsClientCapSupported(CClient *pClient, const CString &sCap, bool bState)
virtual void OnQuitMessage(CQuitMessage &Message, const std::vector< CChan * > &vChans)
Called when a nick quit from IRC.
virtual EModRet OnUnknownUserRaw(CClient *pClient, CString &sLine)
This function behaves like CModule::OnUserRaw(), but is also called before the client successfully lo...
virtual void OnServerCapResult(const CString &sCap, bool bSuccess)
Called for every CAP accepted or rejected by server (with CAP ACK or CAP NAK after our CAP REQ).
virtual EModRet OnUserPart(CString &sChannel, CString &sMessage)
void SetDescription(const CString &s)
Definition: Modules.h:1243
virtual void OnNick(const CNick &Nick, const CString &sNewNick, const std::vector< CChan * > &vChans)
virtual void OnChanPermission2(const CNick *pOpNick, const CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, unsigned char uMode, bool bAdded, bool bNoChange)
virtual EModRet OnUserTextMessage(CTextMessage &Message)
This module hook is called when a user sends a PRIVMSG message.
virtual void OnChanPermission3(const CNick *pOpNick, const CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, char cMode, bool bAdded, bool bNoChange)
This module hook is called when a user mode on a channel changes.
MCString::iterator BeginNV()
Definition: Modules.h:1233
const CString & GetSavePath() const
virtual EModRet OnChanBufferPlayMessage(CMessage &Message)
Called for each message during a channel's buffer play back.
CModInfo::EModuleType m_eType
Definition: Modules.h:1437
void SetArgs(const CString &s)
Definition: Modules.h:1245
virtual EModRet OnUserCTCP(CString &sTarget, CString &sMessage)
bool UnlinkTimer(CTimer *pTimer)
virtual void OnKick(const CNick &OpNick, const CString &sKickedNick, CChan &Channel, const CString &sMessage)
virtual EModRet OnUserMsg(CString &sTarget, CString &sMessage)
CString m_sModPath
Definition: Modules.h:1453
CClient * GetClient() const
Definition: Modules.h:1267
bool RemSocket(const CString &sSockName)
virtual void ClearSubPages()
Removes all registered (AddSubPage'd) SubPages.
Definition: Modules.h:532
virtual CString GetWebFilesPath()
void SetUser(CUser *pUser)
virtual void OnModCTCP(const CString &sMessage)
Called when your module nick was sent a CTCP message.
virtual bool OnWebRequest(CWebSock &WebSock, const CString &sPageName, CTemplate &Tmpl)
If OnWebPreRequest returned false, and the RequiresAdmin/IsAdmin check has been passed,...
virtual EModRet OnChanNoticeMessage(CNoticeMessage &Message)
Called when we receive a channel NOTICE message from IRC.
void InternalServerDependentCapsOnClientAttached()
CString & ExpandString(const CString &sStr, CString &sRet) const
virtual EModRet OnChanBufferEnding(CChan &Chan, CClient &Client)
Called after a channel buffer was played back to a client.
virtual EModRet OnPrivBufferPlayLine2(CClient &Client, CString &sLine, const timeval &tv)
const CString & GetModPath() const
Definition: Modules.h:1252
virtual EModRet OnPrivNotice(CNick &Nick, CString &sMessage)
virtual EModRet OnPrivBufferPlayLine(CClient &Client, CString &sLine)
virtual void OnDevoice2(const CNick *pOpNick, const CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, bool bNoChange)
Called when a nick is devoiced on a channel.
void InternalServerDependentCapsOnClientCapLs(CClient *pClient, SCString &ssCaps)
virtual ~CModule()
void SetModPath(const CString &s)
Definition: Modules.h:1244
virtual void OnFailedLogin(const CString &sUsername, const CString &sRemoteIP)
Called after a client login was rejected.
virtual EModRet OnPrivBufferEnding(CQuery &Query, CClient &Client)
Called after a query buffer was played back to a client.
CModInfo::EModuleType GetType() const
Definition: Modules.h:1249
CTimer * FindTimer(const CString &sLabel)
virtual EModRet OnUserTopic(CString &sChannel, CString &sTopic)
bool RemCommand(const CString &sCmd)
virtual EModRet OnChanNotice(CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, CString &sMessage)
virtual bool OnServerCapAvailable(const CString &sCap)
Called for every CAP received via CAP LS from server.
void SetClient(CClient *pClient)
virtual void OnClientAttached()
Called after login, and also during JumpNetwork.
virtual void OnKickMessage(CKickMessage &Message)
Called when a nick is kicked from a channel.
virtual bool PutStatus(const CString &sLine)
This function generates a query from *status.
virtual void OnClientLogin()
Called when a client successfully logged in to ZNC.
virtual EModRet OnPrivNoticeMessage(CNoticeMessage &Message)
Called when we receive a private NOTICE message from IRC.
virtual bool OnEmbeddedWebRequest(CWebSock &WebSock, const CString &sPageName, CTemplate &Tmpl)
Using this hook, module can embed web stuff directly to different places.
virtual EModRet OnAddNetwork(CIRCNetwork &Network, CString &sErrorRet)
This module hook is called when a network is being added.
virtual EModRet OnChanAction(CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, CString &sMessage)
virtual EModRet OnPrivCTCPMessage(CCTCPMessage &Message)
Called when we receive a private CTCP request from IRC.
virtual EModRet OnChanBufferPlayLine(CChan &Chan, CClient &Client, CString &sLine)
virtual EModRet OnPrivCTCP(CNick &Nick, CString &sMessage)
CSocket * FindSocket(const CString &sSockName)
bool AddCommand(const CModCommand &Command)
virtual EModRet OnSendToIRC(CString &sLine)
void InternalServerDependentCapsOnClientCapRequest(CClient *pClient, const CString &sCap, bool bState)
std::set< CSocket * >::const_iterator EndSockets() const
Definition: Modules.h:1171
virtual bool OnWebPreRequest(CWebSock &WebSock, const CString &sPageName)
For WebMods: Called before the list of registered SubPages will be checked.
virtual EModRet OnUnknownUserRawMessage(CMessage &Message)
virtual EModRet OnStatusCommand(CString &sCommand)
Called when a command to *status is sent.
bool DelNV(const CString &sName, bool bWriteToDisk=true)
void HandleHelpCommand(const CString &sLine="")
Send a description of all registered commands via PutModule().
void CancelJobs(const std::set< CModuleJob * > &sJobs)
bool AddTimer(CTimer *pTimer)
CModule(ModHandle pDLL, CUser *pUser, CIRCNetwork *pNetwork, const CString &sModName, const CString &sDataDir, CModInfo::EModuleType eType=CModInfo::NetworkModule)
CClient * m_pClient
Definition: Modules.h:1448
virtual CString GetWebPath()
virtual EModRet OnModuleLoading(const CString &sModName, const CString &sArgs, CModInfo::EModuleType eType, bool &bSuccess, CString &sRetMsg)
Called when a module is going to be loaded.
bool SetNV(const CString &sName, const CString &sValue, bool bWriteToDisk=true)
virtual EModRet OnChanCTCP(CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, CString &sMessage)
virtual EModRet OnUserTopicRequest(CString &sChannel)
This hook is called when a user requests a channel's topic.
virtual EModRet OnUserRawMessage(CMessage &Message)
This module hook is called when a client sends any message to ZNC.
CString m_sSavePath
Definition: Modules.h:1451
virtual void OnOp(const CNick &OpNick, const CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, bool bNoChange)
bool AddSocket(CSocket *pSocket)
CTranslationDomainRefHolder m_Translation
Definition: Modules.h:1454
virtual bool OnServerCap302Available(const CString &sCap, const CString &sValue)
Called for every CAP received via CAP LS from server.
virtual EModRet OnDeleteUser(CUser &User)
This module hook is called when a user is deleted.
MCString::iterator EndNV()
Definition: Modules.h:1232
virtual EModRet OnTopic(CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, CString &sTopic)
virtual EModRet OnUserCTCPReply(CString &sTarget, CString &sMessage)
virtual bool OnLoad(const CString &sArgsi, CString &sMessage)
This module hook is called when a module is loaded.
virtual EModRet OnUserPartMessage(CPartMessage &Message)
This hooks is called when a user sends a PART message.
ModHandle m_pDLL
Definition: Modules.h:1444
virtual EModRet OnRaw(CString &sLine)
Called on any raw IRC line received from the IRC server.
CString GetModNick() const
virtual void OnJoinMessage(CJoinMessage &Message)
Called when a nick joins a channel.
virtual void OnDeop(const CNick &OpNick, const CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, bool bNoChange)
virtual EModRet OnUserTopicMessage(CTopicMessage &Message)
This module hook is called when a user wants to change a channel topic.
virtual EModRet OnUserCTCPReplyMessage(CCTCPMessage &Message)
This module hook is called when a client sends a CTCP reply.
bool RemTimer(CTimer *pTimer)
virtual EModRet OnLoginAttempt(std::shared_ptr< CAuthBase > Auth)
This module hook is called when a client tries to login.
virtual void OnIRCDisconnected()
This module hook is called when a user gets disconnected from IRC.
virtual void OnModCommand(const CString &sCommand)
Called when a command to your module is sent, e.g.
virtual void OnClientCapLs(CClient *pClient, SCString &ssCaps)
Called when a client told us CAP LS.
CInlineFormatMessage t_p(const CString &sEnglish, const CString &sEnglishes, int iNum, const CString &sContext="") const
virtual void OnQuit(const CNick &Nick, const CString &sMessage, const std::vector< CChan * > &vChans)
virtual VWebSubPages & GetSubPages()
Returns a list of all registered SubPages.
Definition: Modules.h:536
virtual bool PutModule(const CString &sLine)
This function sends a query from your module nick.
const CString & GetDescription() const
Definition: Modules.h:1250
virtual EModRet OnUserNoticeMessage(CNoticeMessage &Message)
This module hook is called when a user sends a NOTICE message.
bool HasNV(const CString &sName) const
Definition: Modules.h:1225
virtual EModRet OnPrivBufferPlayMessage(CMessage &Message)
Called for each message during a query's buffer play back.
void AddJob(CModuleJob *pJob)
virtual EModRet OnRawMessage(CMessage &Message)
Called on any raw message received from the IRC server.
virtual void OnPartMessage(CPartMessage &Message)
Called when a nick parts a channel.
virtual void OnClientCapRequest(CClient *pClient, const CString &sCap, bool bState)
Called when we actually need to turn a capability on or off for a client.
CString GetNV(const CString &sName) const
virtual void ListSockets()
virtual bool ValidateWebRequestCSRFCheck(CWebSock &WebSock, const CString &sPageName)
If ValidateWebRequestCSRFCheck returned false, a CSRF error will be printed.
Definition: Modules.h:456
Your module can throw this enum at any given time.
Definition: Modules.h:460
virtual void OnNickMessage(CNickMessage &Message, const std::vector< CChan * > &vChans)
Called when a nickname change occurs.
bool UnlinkJob(CModuleJob *pJob)
virtual EModRet OnPrivAction(CNick &Nick, CString &sMessage)
virtual EModRet OnPrivMsg(CNick &Nick, CString &sMessage)
virtual void AddSubPage(TWebSubPage spSubPage)
Registers a sub page for the sidebar.
Definition: Modules.h:527
void AddServerDependentCapability(const CString &sName, std::unique_ptr< CCapability > pCap)
Simple API to support client capabilities which depend on server to support that capability.
virtual EModRet OnPrivActionMessage(CActionMessage &Message)
Called when we receive a private CTCP ACTION ("/me" in query) from IRC.
virtual EModRet OnUserNotice(CString &sTarget, CString &sMessage)
virtual EModRet OnChanTextMessage(CTextMessage &Message)
Called when we receive a channel PRIVMSG message from IRC.
virtual EModRet OnChanMsg(CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, CString &sMessage)
virtual void OnClientConnect(CZNCSock *pSock, const CString &sHost, unsigned short uPort)
This module hook is called when there is an incoming connection on any of ZNC's listening sockets.
virtual EModRet OnAddUser(CUser &User, CString &sErrorRet)
This module hook is called when a user is being added.
virtual void OnIRCConnected()
This module hook is called after a successful login to IRC.
CInlineFormatMessage t_f(const CString &sEnglish, const CString &sContext="") const
virtual void OnClientDisconnect()
Called when a client disconnected from ZNC.
virtual EModRet OnChanCTCPMessage(CCTCPMessage &Message)
Called when we receive a channel CTCP request from IRC.
virtual EModRet OnSendToIRCMessage(CMessage &Message)
Called immediately before ZNC sends a raw traffic line to the IRC server.
virtual EModRet OnNumericMessage(CNumericMessage &Message)
Called when a numeric message is received from the IRC server.
virtual bool WebRequiresAdmin()
Return true if this module should only be usable for admins on the web.
Definition: Modules.h:491
virtual EModRet OnUserCTCPMessage(CCTCPMessage &Message)
This module hook is called when a client sends a CTCP request.
const CModCommand * FindCommand(const CString &sCmd) const
CString t_s(const CString &sEnglish, const CString &sContext="") const
virtual EModRet OnIRCRegistration(CString &sPass, CString &sNick, CString &sIdent, CString &sRealName)
This module hook is called before loging in to the IRC server.
virtual EModRet OnInvite(const CNick &Nick, const CString &sChan)
Called when user is invited into a channel.
bool CancelJob(const CString &sJobName)
virtual void OnPart(const CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, const CString &sMessage)
void InternalServerDependentCapsOnServerCapResult(const CString &sCap, bool bSuccess)
virtual EModRet OnSendToClientMessage(CMessage &Message)
Called immediately before ZNC sends a raw traffic line to a client.
void AddHelpCommand()
Register the "Help" command.
virtual void OnVoice(const CNick &OpNick, const CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, bool bNoChange)
bool HandleCommand(const CString &sLine)
This function tries to dispatch the given command via the correct instance of CModCommand.
virtual EModRet OnUserAction(CString &sTarget, CString &sMessage)
virtual bool IsClientCapSupported(CClient *pClient, const CString &sCap, bool bState)
Called only to check if your module supports turning on/off named capability.
const CString & GetArgs() const
Definition: Modules.h:1251
virtual void OnPostRehash()
This module hook is called after a successful rehash.
virtual EModRet OnUserRaw(CString &sLine)
This module hook is called when a client sends a raw traffic line to ZNC.
virtual EModRet OnSendToClient(CString &sLine, CClient &Client)
CSockManager * m_pManager
Definition: Modules.h:1445
virtual EModRet OnChanBufferPlayLine2(CChan &Chan, CClient &Client, CString &sLine, const timeval &tv)
bool RemSocket(CSocket *pSocket)
virtual void OnUnknownModCommand(const CString &sCommand)
This is similar to OnModCommand(), but it is only called if HandleCommand didn't find any that wants ...
CIRCNetwork * m_pNetwork
Definition: Modules.h:1447
virtual bool PutUser(const CString &sLine)
This function sends a given raw IRC line to a client.
virtual bool PutModNotice(const CString &sLine)
Send a notice from your module nick.
virtual EModRet OnCTCPReplyMessage(CCTCPMessage &Message)
Called when we receive a CTCP reply from IRC.
virtual void OnModNotice(const CString &sMessage)
Called when a your module nick was sent a notice.
virtual void OnIRCConnectionError(CIRCSock *pIRCSock)
This module hook is called when a CIRCSock fails to connect or a module returned HALTCORE from OnIRCC...
virtual EModRet OnUserJoin(CString &sChannel, CString &sKey)
CUser * GetUser() const
Definition: Modules.h:1259
void InternalServerDependentCapsOnClientDetached()
CString m_sDataDir
Definition: Modules.h:1450
CDelayedTranslation t_d(const CString &sEnglish, const CString &sContext="") const
bool RemTimer(const CString &sLabel)
virtual EModRet OnCTCPReply(CNick &Nick, CString &sMessage)
std::set< CModuleJob * > m_sJobs
Definition: Modules.h:1442
virtual void OnOp2(const CNick *pOpNick, const CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, bool bNoChange)
Called when a nick is opped on a channel.
void SetNetwork(CIRCNetwork *pNetwork)
std::set< CSocket * >::const_iterator BeginSockets() const
Definition: Modules.h:1168
virtual bool PutIRC(const CString &sLine)
This function sends a given IRC line to the IRC server, if we are connected to one.
bool InternalServerDependentCapsOnServerCap302Available(const CString &sCap, const CString &sValue)
virtual void OnPreRehash()
Called just before znc.conf is rehashed.
virtual void OnGetAvailableMods(std::set< CModInfo > &ssMods, CModInfo::EModuleType eType)
Called when list of available mods is requested.
CString ExpandString(const CString &sStr) const
CString m_sModName
Definition: Modules.h:1449
MCString::iterator FindNV(const CString &sName)
Definition: Modules.h:1229
bool ClearNV(bool bWriteToDisk=true)
void Unload()
This function throws CModule::UNLOAD which causes this module to be unloaded.
Definition: Modules.h:469
Definition: Modules.h:1464
static bool GetModInfo(CModInfo &ModInfo, const CString &sModule, CString &sRetMsg)
bool OnUserPartMessage(CPartMessage &Message)
bool OnServerCapResult(const CString &sCap, bool bSuccess)
bool OnModuleLoading(const CString &sModName, const CString &sArgs, CModInfo::EModuleType eType, bool &bSuccess, CString &sRetMsg)
bool OnUserAction(CString &sTarget, CString &sMessage)
bool OnUserCTCPMessage(CCTCPMessage &Message)
bool OnPrivBufferPlayLine(CClient &Client, CString &sLine)
bool OnJoin(const CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel)
bool OnBroadcast(CString &sMessage)
CModule * FindModule(const CString &sModule) const
bool OnNumericMessage(CNumericMessage &Message)
bool OnMode2(const CNick *pOpNick, CChan &Channel, char uMode, const CString &sArg, bool bAdded, bool bNoChange)
bool OnDeleteUser(CUser &User)
bool OnPrivBufferEnding(CQuery &Query, CClient &Client)
std::queue< std::pair< CString, CString > > ModDirList
Definition: Modules.h:1651
bool OnChanCTCP(CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, CString &sMessage)
bool OnRawMessage(CMessage &Message)
bool OnTopic(CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, CString &sTopic)
bool OnIRCConnectionError(CIRCSock *pIRCSock)
static void GetAvailableMods(std::set< CModInfo > &ssMods, CModInfo::EModuleType eType=CModInfo::UserModule)
bool OnPrivAction(CNick &Nick, CString &sMessage)
bool OnClientConnect(CZNCSock *pSock, const CString &sHost, unsigned short uPort)
bool OnPrivBufferPlayMessage(CMessage &Message)
bool OnModNotice(const CString &sMessage)
bool OnChanAction(CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, CString &sMessage)
bool OnPreRehash()
bool OnRaw(CString &sLine)
bool OnPartMessage(CPartMessage &Message)
bool OnLoginAttempt(std::shared_ptr< CAuthBase > Auth)
bool OnClientCapRequest(CClient *pClient, const CString &sCap, bool bState)
bool OnSendToIRCMessage(CMessage &Message)
bool OnUnknownUserRawMessage(CMessage &Message)
bool OnPrivTextMessage(CTextMessage &Message)
bool OnClientCapLs(CClient *pClient, SCString &ssCaps)
bool OnChanBufferEnding(CChan &Chan, CClient &Client)
bool OnServerCapAvailable(const CString &sCap, const CString &sValue)
bool OnQuitMessage(CQuitMessage &Message, const std::vector< CChan * > &vChans)
void UnloadAll()
CIRCNetwork * GetNetwork() const
Definition: Modules.h:1476
static ModDirList GetModDirs()
bool OnIRCRegistration(CString &sPass, CString &sNick, CString &sIdent, CString &sRealName)
bool IsClientCapSupported(CClient *pClient, const CString &sCap, bool bState)
bool OnGetModInfo(CModInfo &ModInfo, const CString &sModule, bool &bSuccess, CString &sRetMsg)
bool OnUserCTCPReplyMessage(CCTCPMessage &Message)
bool OnUserJoin(CString &sChannel, CString &sKey)
bool OnInvite(const CNick &Nick, const CString &sChan)
bool OnCTCPReply(CNick &Nick, CString &sMessage)
bool OnUserTopicRequest(CString &sChannel)
bool OnQuit(const CNick &Nick, const CString &sMessage, const std::vector< CChan * > &vChans)
bool ReloadModule(const CString &sModule, const CString &sArgs, CUser *pUser, CIRCNetwork *pNetwork, CString &sRetMsg)
bool OnUserNoticeMessage(CNoticeMessage &Message)
bool OnDeleteNetwork(CIRCNetwork &Network)
bool OnBoot()
bool OnUserCTCP(CString &sTarget, CString &sMessage)
bool OnChanPermission3(const CNick *pOpNick, const CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, char cMode, bool bAdded, bool bNoChange)
bool OnUserCTCPReply(CString &sTarget, CString &sMessage)
bool OnUserRawMessage(CMessage &Message)
void SetClient(CClient *pClient)
Definition: Modules.h:1474
bool OnChanBufferPlayLine(CChan &Chan, CClient &Client, CString &sLine)
bool OnChanNoticeMessage(CNoticeMessage &Message)
bool OnChanBufferStarting(CChan &Chan, CClient &Client)
bool OnClientLogin()
bool OnJoinMessage(CJoinMessage &Message)
bool OnChanBufferPlayLine2(CChan &Chan, CClient &Client, CString &sLine, const timeval &tv)
static void GetDefaultMods(std::set< CModInfo > &ssMods, CModInfo::EModuleType eType=CModInfo::UserModule)
bool OnTopicMessage(CTopicMessage &Message)
bool LoadModule(const CString &sModule, const CString &sArgs, CModInfo::EModuleType eType, CUser *pUser, CIRCNetwork *pNetwork, CString &sRetMsg)
bool OnChanNotice(CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, CString &sMessage)
bool OnKick(const CNick &Nick, const CString &sOpNick, CChan &Channel, const CString &sMessage)
bool OnOp2(const CNick *pOpNick, const CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, bool bNoChange)
bool OnClientAttached()
bool OnTimerAutoJoin(CChan &Channel)
bool OnChanTextMessage(CTextMessage &Message)
bool OnPostRehash()
bool UnloadModule(const CString &sModule, CString &sRetMsg)
bool OnModuleUnloading(CModule *pModule, bool &bSuccess, CString &sRetMsg)
bool OnUserTopic(CString &sChannel, CString &sTopic)
bool OnGetAvailableMods(std::set< CModInfo > &ssMods, CModInfo::EModuleType eType)
bool OnNickMessage(CNickMessage &Message, const std::vector< CChan * > &vChans)
bool OnAddNetwork(CIRCNetwork &Network, CString &sErrorRet)
bool OnVoice2(const CNick *pOpNick, const CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, bool bNoChange)
bool UnloadModule(const CString &sModule)
bool OnUserRaw(CString &sLine)
bool OnPrivNotice(CNick &Nick, CString &sMessage)
bool OnIRCDisconnected()
bool OnUserActionMessage(CActionMessage &Message)
bool OnChanMsg(CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, CString &sMessage)
bool OnClientDetached()
bool OnUserMsg(CString &sTarget, CString &sMessage)
bool OnOp(const CNick &OpNick, const CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, bool bNoChange)
bool OnChanCTCPMessage(CCTCPMessage &Message)
bool OnModCommand(const CString &sCommand)
bool OnPrivMsg(CNick &Nick, CString &sMessage)
CClient * m_pClient
Definition: Modules.h:1685
bool OnSendToClient(CString &sLine, CClient &Client)
CIRCNetwork * m_pNetwork
Definition: Modules.h:1684
bool OnRawMode2(const CNick *pOpNick, CChan &Channel, const CString &sModes, const CString &sArgs)
bool OnPrivNoticeMessage(CNoticeMessage &Message)
CUser * GetUser() const
Definition: Modules.h:1475
CClient * GetClient() const
Definition: Modules.h:1477
bool OnSendToIRC(CString &sLine)
bool OnDevoice2(const CNick *pOpNick, const CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, bool bNoChange)
bool OnChanPermission2(const CNick *pOpNick, const CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, unsigned char uMode, bool bAdded, bool bNoChange)
bool OnUnknownUserRaw(CClient *pClient, CString &sLine)
bool OnDevoice(const CNick &OpNick, const CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, bool bNoChange)
CModules & operator=(const CModules &)=default
bool OnModCTCP(const CString &sMessage)
static bool GetModPathInfo(CModInfo &ModInfo, const CString &sModule, const CString &sModPath, CString &sRetMsg)
bool OnUserTextMessage(CTextMessage &Message)
bool OnPrivCTCPMessage(CCTCPMessage &Message)
bool OnCTCPReplyMessage(CCTCPMessage &Message)
static bool FindModPath(const CString &sModule, CString &sModPath, CString &sDataPath)
bool OnVoice(const CNick &OpNick, const CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, bool bNoChange)
bool OnChanActionMessage(CActionMessage &Message)
bool OnUserQuit(CString &sMessage)
bool OnNick(const CNick &Nick, const CString &sNewNick, const std::vector< CChan * > &vChans)
bool OnPrivCTCP(CNick &Nick, CString &sMessage)
bool OnPrivBufferPlayLine2(CClient &Client, CString &sLine, const timeval &tv)
bool OnUserJoinMessage(CJoinMessage &Message)
bool OnPrivBufferStarting(CQuery &Query, CClient &Client)
bool OnStatusCommand(CString &sCommand)
bool OnKickMessage(CKickMessage &Message)
bool OnIRCConnecting(CIRCSock *pIRCSock)
CUser * m_pUser
Definition: Modules.h:1683
bool OnUserNotice(CString &sTarget, CString &sMessage)
bool OnRawMode(const CNick &OpNick, CChan &Channel, const CString &sModes, const CString &sArgs)
bool OnJoining(CChan &Channel)
void SetUser(CUser *pUser)
Definition: Modules.h:1472
bool OnIRCConnected()
bool OnDeop2(const CNick *pOpNick, const CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, bool bNoChange)
bool OnUserPart(CString &sChannel, CString &sMessage)
void SetNetwork(CIRCNetwork *pNetwork)
Definition: Modules.h:1473
bool OnMode(const CNick &OpNick, CChan &Channel, char uMode, const CString &sArg, bool bAdded, bool bNoChange)
bool OnFailedLogin(const CString &sUsername, const CString &sRemoteIP)
bool OnPart(const CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, const CString &sMessage)
bool OnUserQuitMessage(CQuitMessage &Message)
bool OnChanBufferPlayMessage(CMessage &Message)
bool OnSendToClientMessage(CMessage &Message)
bool OnDeop(const CNick &OpNick, const CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, bool bNoChange)
bool OnPrivActionMessage(CActionMessage &Message)
bool OnAddUser(CUser &User, CString &sErrorRet)
bool OnUserTopicMessage(CTopicMessage &Message)
bool OnChanPermission(const CNick &OpNick, const CNick &Nick, CChan &Channel, unsigned char uMode, bool bAdded, bool bNoChange)
bool OnClientDisconnect()
Definition: Message.h:270
Definition: Nick.h:29
Definition: Message.h:278
Definition: Message.h:285
Definition: Translation.h:85
CString Resolve() const
Definition: Translation.h:90
Definition: Message.h:302
Definition: Query.h:29
Definition: Message.h:311
Definition: Socket.h:80
Base Csock implementation to be used by modules.
Definition: Socket.h:247
String class that is used inside ZNC.
Definition: ZNCString.h:68
Generate a grid-like or list-like output from a given input.
Definition: Utils.h:172
Definition: Template.h:129
Definition: Message.h:320
Definition: Modules.h:182
CTimer & operator=(const CTimer &)=delete
CModule * m_pModule
Definition: Modules.h:203
void SetModule(CModule *p)
CString m_sDescription
Definition: Modules.h:204
CModule * GetModule() const
CTimer(CModule *pModule, unsigned int uInterval, unsigned int uCycles, const CString &sLabel, const CString &sDescription)
virtual ~CTimer()
const CString & GetDescription() const
void SetDescription(const CString &s)
Definition: Message.h:327
Definition: User.h:38
Definition: WebModules.h:127
Definition: Socket.h:27
Definition: znc.h:38
A dictionary for strings.
Definition: ZNCString.h:595
C-style entry point to the module.
Definition: Modules.h:81
void(* fpFillModInfo)(CModInfo &)
Definition: Modules.h:85
const char * pcVersion
Definition: Modules.h:82
const char * pcCompileOptions
Definition: Modules.h:84
const char * pcVersionExtra
Definition: Modules.h:83
Definition: Translation.h:62