ZNC trunk
▼Cstd::basic_string< Char > | STL class |
►Cstd::string | STL class |
CCBlowfish | Does Blowfish w/64 bit feedback, no padding |
CCBufLine | |
CCCapability | |
CCConfig | |
CCConfigEntry | |
▼CCCoreTranslationMixin | |
►CCAuthBase | |
CCChan | |
CCIRCNetwork | |
CCModCommand | A helper class for handling commands in modules |
CCModules | |
CCSockManager | |
CCUser | |
►CCZNCSock | |
▼CCCron | This is the main cron job class |
►CCTimer | |
CCDebug | |
CCDelayedTranslation | |
CCException | |
CCFile | |
CCGetAddrInfo | This function is a wrapper around getaddrinfo (for ipv6) |
CCInlineFormatMessage | |
▼CCJob | A job is a task which should run without blocking the main thread |
CCModuleJob | A CJob version which can be safely used in modules |
CCLanguageScope | |
CCListener | |
CCMD5 | |
▼CCMessage | Here is a small explanation of how messages on IRC work, and how you can use this class to get useful information from the parsed message |
CCChgHostMessage | |
CCNickMessage | |
CCNumericMessage | |
CCQuitMessage | |
►CCTargetMessage | |
CCModInfo | |
CCModule | The base class for your own ZNC modules |
CCModuleEntry | C-style entry point to the module |
CCNick | |
CCOptionalTranslation | |
CCQuery | |
CCSCharBuffer | Ease of use self deleting char * class |
▼CCSConnection | Options for creating a connection |
CCSSSLConnection | |
CCServer | |
▼CCSListener | Options container to create a listener |
CCSSSListener | |
▼CCSMonitorFD | Class to tie sockets to for monitoring by Csocket at either the Csock or TSockManager |
CCCurlSock | Csocket style wrapper around libcurl-multi |
▼CCSockCommon | Simple class to share common code to both TSockManager and Csock |
►CCSocketManager | Best class to use to interact with the sockets |
►CCsock | Basic socket class |
CCSSockAddr | Sockaddr wrapper |
CCTemplateLoopContext | |
CCTemplateOptions | |
▼CCTemplateTagHandler | |
CCZNCTagHandler | |
CCThreadPool | |
CCTranslation | |
CCTranslationDomainRefHolder | |
CCTranslationInfo | |
CCUtils | |
CCWebSession | |
CCWebSubPage | |
▼Cstd::deque< T > | STL class |
CCBuffer | |
▼Chash | |
Cstd::hash< CString > | |
▼Cstd::ios_base | STL class |
►Cstd::basic_ios< Char > | STL class |
▼Cstd::map< K, T > | STL class |
►CMCString | A dictionary for strings |
Cmd5_context | |
Csha256_ctx | |
CTCacheMap< K, V > | Insert an object with a time-to-live and check later if it still exists |
CTCacheMap< CString > | |
▼CTCacheMap< CString, std::shared_ptr< CWebSession > > | |
CCWebSessionMap | |
▼Cstd::vector< T > | STL class |
CCDir | |
CCModules | |
CCSocketManager | Best class to use to interact with the sockets |
CCTable | Generate a grid-like or list-like output from a given input |